When we first got to Melbourne

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Connor POV
I woke up to my laptop going off, because my Twitter was going bat sh*t crazy.
I quickly looked at my Twitter to see what's going on, when I logged in to Twitter I saw #TronnlerinOZ trending worldwide about us going to Australia, but we didn't tell them because we wanted a secret vacation, just to let us relax and have fun.

After spending 20 minutes on there I looked at my phone to see the time, when I looked I was shocked to see I had two hours to pack my bag and get ready before Tyler comes here to pick me up to take us to LAX.
I quickly packed my bags stuffing clothes in, recharges, laptop, camera and my passport if I need anymore clothes I can buy some.
Once I finish that I did up my bags and ran to the showers and washed my hair and dry it and quickly got dressed.

I looked a the clock to see I have half an hour to eat breakfast and make sure everything is turned off.
Once i ate coco pops for breakfast (I know I'm being very healthy today) I have 2 minutes till tyler was supposed to be here so I went on tumblr, to see cut gif (or jif as tyler says) of tyler and troye because I'm a huge Troyler shipper but never going to tell them that. After tumblr the doorbell rang and I ran to the door to let Tyler in so he could help me grab all my bags (which is only two).

Tyler POV
I got up in the morning, to get ready to leave and have some time to do my hair because mama has to take care of her hair. After I finish all the things I had to do, I race to the car because I was going to be late for Connor, anyway I got to Connors house just on time, I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. As soon as I did Connor answers the door pretty quickly, we gave each other a friendly hug.

" hey Con you ready to go?" Tyler asked in a excited tone.
" he Ty yeah I'm ready just need to grab my bags." Connor said in a excited and nervous tone.

Connor let me in his house and I grabbed one of his bags so we can get his bags in the cab, because I was leaving my car at Connors because it's safer here then at my place.
So Connor and I got all our bags in the cab we got in and told the driver to take us to LAX airport.
On the way to the airport the cab driver was telling us about how he could of had a better job, but his wife made him move to LA and everyone knows it's hard to get a good job here.

30 minutes later
We finally got to LAX, Connor jumped out first well I payed the cab driver.
I got out of the car to help Connor with our stuff, we got our stuff and went straight to the security because we all ready had our tickets, once we had our security checks we went to find were our plane will be, we found it. People were all ready going in so we joined the line, I handed my ticket to the lady, she looked at the ticket then hand it back to me and said have a great flight.

Connor POV
Tyler and I finally got to the airport after listening to the cab driver ramble on about how his life sucks, anyway we sprint though the airport to get to the plane, when we finally got there we were the 3rd last people going on.

We walked on the plane to take our seats, when we got there someone was on my seat so I asked him to move which he did, he apologised for the mistake and moved to find his spot.
Once tyler and I sat down I quickly took out my cellphone (or mobile if your Australian) and changed my settings to aeroplane mode, so it doesn't lose to much power.

I turned to look at tyler, I had to tell him something but I don't know how to, what if he hates me after I tell him?. I looked back down to my phone, but this time there was someone taping my shoulder so I turned to them to see tyler staring at me.

"Hhey Ty what's up?" I said nervously
"Hey girl, I was just wondering why are you so nervous? "
"Oh umm, I guess going to Australia is just making me nervous"
"Awe that's cute but you don't have the be nervous, I've been to Australia, it's not that scary"
"Ookay, thanks sorry I'm being a chicken"
"Awee babe your to cute to be a chicken" tyler said with a smirk on his face
I rolled eyes at him and decided I wouldn't tell him just yet but I'll definitely tell him sometime during this trip.
" Ty I'm going to go to sleep now, talk to you when I wake up"
" Okay Con, have good sleep"
I smiled at him, then shut my eyes and fell asleep.

Tyler POV
When we got on the plane I noticed that Connor was acting different, maybe it was because someone was in his seat or something else but I couldn't think of anything so I asked him but he just said he was nervous about going to Australia but he has been there before so he shouldn't be and I could tell he was lying because I know him to well and he's really sh*t at lying. But I decided to drop that convo because he will tell me when he is ready.

After Connor fell asleep I went on tumblr, after I liked some of my people's edits I started to feel really tired so I went to sleep. When I woke up I looked at Connor playing on his phone. He turned to me said we land in 10 minutes, so I quickly put everything thing that I took out of my carry on bag back in it.

Connor POV (sorry there's a lot of changes of who POV it is)
I woke up I find a lady staring at me, she told me to put my seatbelt on and tylers because we're about to land. After I put my seatbelt on I went on my phone and started watching lush videos because Matthew lush and Nickalaws are to cute with each other and I enjoy how they show their feelings to each other in every video.

After the lush video I felt something move so turned my head towards Tyler to see he's awake.
I told him that we have 10 minutes till me land in the land down under, I'm so excited to see Melbourne, because last time I saw Sydney and Perth, which those to states are really cool.
Anyway the plane just landed so we are just waiting till everyone gets out so we're not getting pushed.
Once we got out of the plane tyler said we should get our stuff, but before we could someone pulled both of us in a big hug.

I turned to face the person who did it, I saw it was Troye I quickly hugged back.
God I miss this Aussie, I was so happy to see him again.

Tyler POV
We left the plane after everyone got of, I said to Connor we should get our stuff, but before that a hot wait I mean cute Aussie hugged us, we then went to grab our bags and left the airport.

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