How To Fix This

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Tyler POV
I can't believe what I just witnessed, I'm so confused I thought Connor was straight. I mean there was times I thought he was bi because of the way he checked out Phil. But I didn't really think much of it besides Phil in a relationship with Dan but they haven't told their fans yet as their scared that the Phandom would go crazy and half the population of the Phandom would die for the feels, gosh even I shipped Phan, from their first video I saw which would be the valentine video, but no one aloud to talk about.

Whoops where were we, alright Connor I never thought that he would rape Troye let alone anyone, ahh Troye I hate to see his face so scared ever again. I don't know what's going to happen with all of us as I don't won't to lose any of my best friends and I'm sure neither does Connor or Troye I love them to much to have to pick sides, but if it comes to the point I have to make a decision it would have to be Troye only reason is he's so innocent I would hate to see someone hurt him again and I have a little crush on him.

Anyway I have to comfort troye right at the moment, I didn't waste to long to get troye in my arms holding him whispering him soft things after a while Troye fall asleep in my arms, I had to put him back to bed so he would be comfortable as I put him in bed I walked to the other side of the room thinking about what happen and how are we going to fix this, I would hate this to brake up two best friends. I have never seen two people so close to each other in my life they are pretty much friendship goals, gosh even I wish I had a friendship like theirs.

After spending half an hour thinking I turned to look at Troye to see him sleeping peacefully that when I decided that I had to to speak with Connor, I walked out of Troye room with a key card in hands and shut the door so no one would go in there. I was walking down the corridor to Connor's room, I noticed that he didn't shut his door probably so I just walked in. I found him crying on his bed, I hesitating walking up to him as I got to to the bed Connor said " if your here to tell me that I have to go home and never see Troye again I'll understand" I look at Connor's tearful eyes I known straight away that he did mean to do that and that he was 100% sorry. I signed " look Connor you knew what you did was wrong and definitely not acceptable, but I think if you gave Troye some time alone then perhaps in a week or two try to apologise and show him that what happen today is never going to happen again, I'm sure Troye will forgive you but you'll definitely have to work back his trust."
Connor looked down to the floor with sad smile on his face " your right Tyler I should give him space I know I would if someone did that to me, please tell Troye that I'm truly sorry and that I hope one day that we could fix our friendship" said Connor
Tyler I'm going to get on a plane to go to Queensland I heard that it's a fun place, I believe that were all to schoolies go too and It has some really nice beaches there" said Connor
Tyler signed again "well I hope you have fun there and I will tell Troye what you wanted me to say, and when do you leave to catch your plane?"
"I leave in half an hour and thanks Tyler for helping me and please take care of Troye he needs you right now" said Connor
"Alright I hope you stay safe and have a good one"

Tyler left Connor and went back to bed.

Connor's POV
After Tyler left I got all my stuff packed then I called a taxi to take me to Melbourne airport, when I got there I pretty much got straight through and got on my plane.
To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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