The day they got to Melbourne

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Troye POV
I got woken up by my brother Tyde jumping on me telling me I have to get up because I have a plane to get on, as soon as he said that I jumped up out of bed nearly falling over my doona (duvet) because I was that excited to see two of my best friends. I quickly rushed around trying to shove all my clothes in my suitcase, because I always leave things to the last minute,#SorryNotSorry anyway after I packed my bag I ran down the steps to see mum cooking bacon sangas (sandwich) which is nearly as good as Nutella but Nutella still better. My mum turned around to look at me, she gave a sweet smile which always makes me smile.

(Troye M: mean Troyes mum)
Troye:" hey mum thanks for the sandwich, I really appreciate it" I gave mum a big hug while saying this.
Troye M: hey sweetie, it's okay I wanted you to have something special before you leave, which is in 20 minutes" I say looking down at my watch.
Troye: thanks mum I'll quickly go an eat, after that I'll get ready after"
Troye M: just be quick because I'm sure you don't want to be late for your flight"
Troye: of course, I'll be done in a jiffy"

Once I finish my food, I ran up to my chucked on some really ugly clothes but made it look cute if you know what I mean, anyway after I got dressed i picked up my suitcase and ran to the door, realising that my dad was in the car waiting to drop me off. I turned to give my brothers and sister and my mum a quick hugs and a kiss and said goodbye before I turned to the door and walked out to the car.

As i got in the car I waved goodbye to them, soon we we're zooming down the road in complete silence, but it wasn't awkward silence it was comfortable silence. But that didn't last long as my dad broke it and started to ask questions about Connor, tyler and I, he wanted to know what was going to happen in Melbourne with us, he then started asking if we were going to have a threesome,because he recently found out that Connor was gay.

It took me by surprise that my dad wants to know about my sex life. But then again he is a huge troyler shipper, I should learn to expect the unexpected specially when it comes to him and Zoe.
After that really awkward conversation I turned on the radio on, they were playing a song called Surrender by an Australian boy band called The Collective, I started to really enjoy listening to their songs.
(A/N The Collective is a real Australian boy band)
(A/N italics means thoughts)

(30 minutes later)
I finally arrived at Perth airport, dad walked me in because he is a over protective parent, once I got to the security checks dad left, I gave him a big hug, well in the hug dad whispered " remember to use protection" in my ear, I sighed knowing that he might know that I have a thing for Tyler but then again Conner pretty hot. No shut up brain you can't think like that.

Err why do boys have to be so confusing, it's so frustrating to understand them, like some times when I'm with Tyler we have a moment we're starting in to each other's eyes and we start to lean in but we both get to nervous to kiss each other.

I got that thought out of my mind when I realised that I had made it through the checks and was on my way to my plane that I was getting on. I found my seat and sat down after the plane got off the ground I was aloud to go on my iPhone, I went straight to Twitter to tweet this plane trip down to Melbourne is going to be fun. After I tweeted that I remember that no one was supposed to know, I went to delete it after but realised that people have already ready seen it. Because I know 90 percent of my people are Internet kids and we all know 'Internet Kids Never Sleep'. After debating whether to delete it I decided not too.

After I scrolled through Twitter I went to tumblr and started rebloging some stuff them when on the hashtag Troye to see what there was I came across a user called Aussie-fangirl98, I check her profile which has a lot of Youtubers on there, it gave me a weird feeling knowing that their are so many people that looks up to us and have their whole blogs about them, which is slightly scary to think about so I decided not to follow her because it would be weird seeing me every day on her blog.

After I got bored I texted my friend Gabby that I would be in Melbourne in 4 hours so she has plenty of time to get to the airport, I went to to watch Wentworth which is like the Australian version of orange the new black, there was two seasons out so I got to watch half of the first season, it's a good show I'll be downloading that when Netflix come to Australia in 2015. After watching that the plane was landing so I packed all my stuff up in my carry on bag. After a couple of minutes the plane landed and I was out of the plane quicker then you say Bob your uncle.

I got a message from Gabby saying that she is in the car park near the entrance, I quickly got my bags and left to find her. After looking for a few minutes I ran up to her car and got in, I gave her a quick humph then she started driving to the motel that we are staying at. The motel was called the down under place, I looked at it on their website it was cheap but also had a lot of things to do with Australia and it had a four star rating.

Once we got their I went to the front desk to get my motel room number and key, I got that and went to my room with gabby because she is waiting for tyler and Connor to come so she can drop them of here. Once I unpacked my stuff I got a text from Tyler telling me that they will be at the airport in an hour. I told Gabby that we need to leave now so we can get the boys Starbucks when they get here. We jumped in the car, we were on our way to the airport for the second time today yay.

While we were driving we got pulled over by the cops to see if we were drinking or taking drugs. We got out after but it took us 10 minutes to get though, After an 45 minutes drive, we got there just in time to get them a drink. We waited in line for 10 minutes to get two hot chocolate,by that time their plane had landed, I saw them and decided to give them a group hugs before they saw me.

I saw Connor and tyler turn around to see who was giving them a hug they saw me and screamed out my name, huh so embarrassing, I quickly put my hand over my face so no one could see it. They went to grab their bags so we could leave when they got in the car I gave them their drinks and they meet gabby. Tyler was still a it confused with the fact that we drive on the left side of the road instead of the right.

We finally made it to the motel, Connor and Tyler went to get their room numbers and keys, while they were doing that I said goodbye to Gabby and saw that tyler was looking a little pissed, I'd ask him what wrong he said that there was miscommunications in what day I was coming so now I'm here without a room. So of course the first thing that popes in my feed is that he can stay in my room.

Merry Christmas or what you believe in, I hope you have a great day and a happy new year.
Sorry not really good at doing updating but I will try to do better since I'm on summer holidays.

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