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"So what are you drawing ? I saw something in biology but I was too busy giving that old hag a lesson aha"

Gerard released out the cloud of smoke managing to avoid coughing, he hung the cigarette in between his lips as he reached for his bag and rummaged through it. He finally pulled out his sketch pad and began flicking throw the pages of just random doodles but they all still looked pretty advanced, most of them seems to be of like skull, demons and the Grim Reaper. It was all revolving around death.

"Their not all that important or that good, just something I do to pass the times."

Frank noticed the more "gothic" type drawings. Was he an emo too ?

"Wait your an emo ?!"

He was surprised that even within his school there was more of people like him around...but the death parts...did Gerard want that...? Gerard had heard that phrase being tossed around by pupils around him. He didnt really put himself in a category but to make it simple he just put himself in that type of clique.

"Yeah I guess you could say that,"

He began to close over that book again and put it back in his bag again.

"Awesome...me too aha. I play guitar, how about you ?" Smiling he finished the cigarette and blunt it out onto the floor, he placed his hands on his knees and began listening to Gerard... Gerard began to think about his grandmother who was the one to encourage him to draw, to and--

"I-I was told by someone once that I could sorta sing but I dunno its not that good." He threw the almost finished cigarette unintentionally directly next to Frank's and rubbed his foot over it.

"Do you mind me hearing you sing ? "

Watching him run his foot on the floor his eyes filled with wonder. He didn't expect him to sing since they'd just first met. He wanted to keep their friendship. But he thought that with the two music fans they could put a duo together... He hesitated for a minute questioning whether he was comfortable enough to let Frank hear his singing but then he came up with a better idea. He pulled out his phone and his headphones and fumbled about with the two as he began to speak.

"I recorded myself a while back singing a song I have wrote yet i never listened to it back since I don't like hearing myself song, so if you stick the headphones in, you can be the first one to judge my 'amazing voice'." He said as he cracked a small cute smile.

Gently Frank took the headphones, placing them in his ears he waited for him to press play on his phone...

" what's the song called ?" he smiled back at Gerard watching him smile. He found him quite attractive..

He tucked his hair behind his ear, surprised at how interested Frank sounded about hearing about his music.

"I called it Helena... After my Grandmother Elena who meant the world to me but of course... She was suddenly snatched away from me... So I wrote this song in dedication of her." This song obviously meant alot to him it wasn't like most other song writers who just wrote a load of crap down he spent a lot of time and thought into it.

Iero smiled. He was such a cutie, he felt bad also...but it was nice that he'd wrote a song that meant something dear to him..."Alright...I'm sorry to hear also. So you gonna press play ?"

"oh yeah sorry..."

He pressed play on his phone as he let the song play, he faced hoping that he wouldnt mind it. It was much, it was just an acapella with just his untouched voice, no editing on it at all. He listened in closely...His voice was beautiful...He pulled a face, he wanted to mess about and say he hated it and that it was bad...

"That's awful..." He removed the headphones and threw them out his ears. He stuck his tongue. He didn't expect this from Frank at all, making it come as a horrible shock to him as he sighed and reeled his head phones back in, feeling his heart sink.

"Oh I see, guess I wasn't cut out to be a singer then," he mumbled under his breath. Frank e smiled secretly..

"I'm kidding !!! You sound awesome !!" He ruffled his hair and hugged him.

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