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He looked back at him. And perked his eyes back at Gerard's that we're hiding behind his hair...

"Yeh Gerard ?"

He kept his head down as he picked at the grass, perking up the courage to ask him, then after a few moments of silence he asked.

"A-are you... Into...you know... Guys?"

Frank was shocked by this...He didn't know what to say. Was he into guys ? He didn't know if he was into girls...

"Uh...aha nobody's ever really asked me that before.. I mean I guess I could try give it a go...aha"

"what's that supposed to mean he said giving him a confused look as he tilted his head to the side.

Gerard had always like guys no women ever caught his interest but it had to be guys of very specific taste.

"I've never been into girls...they're much to scary aha...so I guess guys could be my option aha."
Things we're getting awkward..he could tell. He didn't want to show it...

He blushed, as a thought cross his kind that he never thought would. What if Frank like me?... He wouldnt be complaining if he did but it was the fact of wanting to ask him that question but not be too direct about it... "Anyway aha...want another smoke before we go back to classes ? We only have a few minutes till break so we can chill here until break finishes" He looked down at the floor and began stalling. He ties his shoe laces.

Gerard shook his head, still feeling a little sick from the cigarette before, not liking the taste of it at all. "no I'm alright..." He pulled out his sketch pad feeling awkward anyway as he felt differently about this boy but didn't want to say about it. Frank nodded and agreed. Putting away the cigarette pack in his bag.

"Alright then I agree...Hey is there something bothering you ?" He looked up at Gerard who was now sat up..joining him he sat up also.

Gerard was an awkward enough boy even without being put in these situations. He was a bad liar but tried to play it off casual as he doodled, keeping his eyes down, as he nodded. He was hiding what he was drawing too now. "no, I'm fine just got the concert thing on my mind now." He looked down at the grass as he picked it rapidly.

Frank smiled cutely. "Nawww...its gonna be okay...trust me!!" Getting excited he wrapped his arm around him and kissed his cheek. "I promise...."

Gerard's shoulders bunched up as his face turned a dark shade of red, feeling his heart rate escalate dramatically, he turned to look at him as he stuttered. "-frank?!"

Looking back in confusion he answered dumbly whilst smiling. "Gerard ?"

He held his own pale cheek in the palm of his hand, panting quietly but quickly, "D-did... That just happened? Or am I tripping?"

Frank leaned over and kissed him a second time...he didn't know why, he just did....

"Was that real enough to you?" He giggled.

Gerard unexpectedly let out a little girlish squeal without even realising it and he threw his arms around Frank and flung him to the ground, now hovering over him, "you actually just did that?" He said with a wide smile. Frank giggled and turned his head onto the floor. He looked back up and was staring into Gerard's eyes.

"Woah I didn't think you'd be that happy aha" he smirked... Gerard leaned his head down and nuzzled into his neck, his warm breath against the other ones flesh, "I think I might have found someone who I actually have an interest in." his soft hair blushed against Frank's neck and face as he lifted his head back up, feeling so much energy rush through him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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