The Eisenwald Guild

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Author's POV

"Mm?" Lucy mumbled.

They were already walking by time they had left Lucy's apartment. Lucy usually stopped and rested when she got tired, when she walks, which meant it took her longer to get to places but she didn't care.

She was already tired though. Sleepy even. She's trying her best to not drop down and fall asleep right then and there. She didn't want to suggest stopping. She didn't always like asking for help.

Especially since it seems where ever they had to go they had to get there soon, so she really didn't want to consider stopping.

"Are you ok, Lucy?" Erza asked looking back at the blonde. Lucy was already lagging behind, struggling to keep up.

"I-I'm fine." Lucy smiled.

Natsu growled, startling them. He turned around and walked to Lucy. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck.

"I said I'm fine, Natsu." She slurred. His warmth already lulling her to sleep.

Natsu didn't answer her. He just kept walking. Lucy realized that Natsu wasn't gonna put her down anytime soon, and decided to abide to his wishes.

"Thanks Natsu." She whispered before falling asleep.

"Hurry up." He said realizing Erza and Gray were frozen in shock.

Erza and Gray walked up but was still behind him. To scared to walk beside him.

"So, what exactly are we doing Erza?" Gray asked.

"After a mission, I stopped at a pub and heard some unsettling news." Erza started,

"The Eisenwald Guild, which is a dark guild, got their hands on a flute called Lullaby. Apparently they need to un-seal it." Erza explained,

"Lullaby? As in a song a mother sings to a baby?" Gray asked confused.

"I'm not sure but if they need to un-seal it, it must be dangerous." Erza said.

"Lullaby..." Lucy mumbled in her sleep.

"What is it Lucy? Do you know what Lullaby is?" Erza asked the sleeping mage.

"...Death Magic...Zeref..." Lucy mumbled drowsily.

"Death Magic!?" Erza shouted shocked.

"Zeref!?" Gray shouted.

"Why would they need death magic? Who would they use it on?" Erza mumbled.

"Don't shout. You might wake her." Natsu growled out.

"This is no time to be asleep. We must find out why the Eisenwald Guild needs Death Magic." Erza said firmly, though she was still afraid Natsu would hurt her.

"As far as I see it, they must want revenge." Natsu said, "I mean, how would you feel, if you did something and everyone labeled you evil and started hating you?"

At that point in time, to Gray and Erza, it felt like Natsu was talking about them and the guild. Or was it just their imaginations...

They were almost at the next station, when Lucy woke up. She was still in Natsu's arms though.

She watched Erza and Gray speak more about Lullaby. Then she just had her head on Natsu's shoulder, her delicate fingers running through his soft hair.

She sneaked a couple of kisses on his cheek and neck, in attempts to have the male give her attention. It had worked, which resulted in Natsu groping her thigh. Sometimes sneaking his own kisses on her neck and cheek. He had to hold himself back to not leave a mark, though he really really wanted to.

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