The Eisenwald Guild 2

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Erza's angry eyes glared around the room. "Where is Erigor?" She said firmly. Anger was radiating off of her at this point. The Eisenwald Guild members flinched before standing their ground. Lucy scanned the group and spotted the guy who had kicked her. She bared her teeth at him and snarled slightly. He didn't seem to hear her, nobody did except Natsu. He followed her eyes and looked to see the guy who had kicked her. He sent a glare towards the guy, who shivers and turn their way.

"Well if it isn't Titania and the rest of the fairy flies." A guy that was floating in mid air. "Ugly..." Lucy muttered in disgust. The guy turns to her with a glare, to which Natsu growls at him. "Oh? So Chaos is here too?" The guys says with slight shock and Natsu could smell the fear. The room got filled with scared whispers and Natsu couldn't help but feel pride. The rumored dark guild afraid of him, it was actually funny. "You guys take care of these bugs." The guy that was floating said. He then flew through a window, breaking the glass.

"Chaos, you go with Gray and find Erigor." Erza said. Natsu stayed unmoving, a hard glare set on the person who had hurt Lucy. The glare was enough for shivers to climb down everyone's spine. Lucy rolled her eyes and cupping Natsu's cheeks, making him turn and look her in the eye. The people in the room froze, afraid of what he might do to the blonde. "Go with Gray, Natsu. I'll teach that guy a lesson. And you'll get to give him your fair share of pain when you come back." She said, staring into his onyx green orbs. Natsu's gaze softened and he closed his eyes. Once he was calm, he nodded his head and Lucy smiled, removing her hands from his cheeks. He sent a glare to the group of men before he turned on his heel and left the room, Gray followed after but stayed a safe distance away.

Lucy's eyes darkened to that of no emotion once the boys had left the room. She pulled out her whip and beat it against the ground, sending shivers up the spines of the Eisenwald guild members and even Erza. "It's been so long since I've had a good fight. Let's make this worth my time boys." Lucy smirked, her voice sadistic and threatening. She gripped her whip with a look that said she was ready to kick ass. Even Erza was surprised by the quick character change, she'd only seen Lucy like this when they were younger and the blonde would have the red head follow her while she went hunting. It was a malicious display. Erza remembers it as bright as day because on that day, she learned never to underestimate the blonde. Her cute and kind personality was not to be trifled with, she can turn into a sadistic, killing machine in less than a minute. She was as stubborn as a mule and it was hard to change her mind once she had her heart and mind set to it.

Lucy wrapped her whip around a guys neck and knocked some other guys out. Erza requiped into Heaven's Wheel and fought the guys with her swords. Lucy kicked a guy where the sun didn't shine and all the other guys that were coming for her visibly flinched and stepped away in fear while clutching their family jewels. "Good thing Cindy and Happy didn't come. I wouldn't have wanted them to get hurt." Lucy thought while stepping on a guy's family jewels. Erza sliced at someone with her sword, not killing them but hurting them. She hit someone in their head with the handle of her sword and knocked him out upon impact. Lucy stared down at the guy who'd kicked her and approached him while beating her whip on the tiled floor, a dark look in her eyes.

Time Skip ('Cause why not? Y'all already know
that fight scenes aren't my forte. Or I at least
I hope you know...)

"Just kill me..." Kage groaned. Natsu growled in his face and strengthen his hold on the male's hair, causing Kage to wince. "It's fine now Na-kun." Lucy said placing a hand on Natsu's bicep. "I think he knows who not to mess with." She said while eyeing the bruised, burnt and beat up male. Natsu stared at the blonde before turning back to Kage. He grunted and practically through him onto the tiled floor, Kage landing with a pained grunt. Natsu fold his arms and Lucy stepped forward. She kneel down in front of the beaten up male and gripped his chin roughly, forcing him to watch her.

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