The Cursed Island

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Lucy stared curiously at the male that entered the guild. She couldn't see his face with the mask but his scent was definitely something that wasn't normal in Earthland. When he left everyone began waking up. The two felines, that had decided to fall asleep on top of her, where she lay on one of the guild couches, got up with the cutest little yawn that Lucy felt her heart squeeze. "So... who was that?" Lucy asked out loud, the question intended for anyone to answer. "That's Mystogun. He puts the guild to sleep, takes a job, then leaves." Erza explained. "He's an S-Class Wizard like Chaos and no one's ever seen his face, except master." Max said and Lucy nodded in response.

"I've seen him before." Someone said and Lucy looked towards the voice. Standing on the 2nd floor with his arms folded was a blonde man with a lightening strike scar down his right eye. "Yeah and I just saw him, what's your point?" Lucy quipped, while scratching behind Cindy's ear. While some were shocked at the fact that Lucy saw Mystogun, most were worried at the fact that she back talked the blonde. "You better watch your mouth! You're talking to the future Guild Master." Someone said, standing beside the blonde, his hair was green. Lucy laughed in response to that. "Yeah, no. The day he becomes guild master is the day he learns not to have a stick so far up his ass." Lucy snorted while she sat up and stood up.

"Lushy! I got a job!" Happy smiled, flying down from the second floor. Lucy smiled at the blue feline and conjured up a flame in her palm. The flame came to life and the guild was shocked. The tiny flame hopped out of Lucy's palm and hopped to the 2nd flame. It was silent until Natsu had appeared and came down the stairs. "Hey Master! Since I have Natsu with me, we can go this S-Class Job right?" Lucy questioned and Makarov chuckled from atop the bar counter. "Take another S-Class wizard with you and you can go Lucy." Makarov said and Lucy smiled. "Erza, Gray! Wanna come?" Lucy asked and the two exchanged looks before agreeing. "I don't see why not." Gray shrugged, getting up. "I would love to accompany you Lucy." Erza smiled. Cindy flew over to Mira, got the job registered. They left the guild with the blonde male silently fuming.

At Hargeon Port

"I hate this." Lucy complained, an everlasting pout on her full lips. "It's not that bad Lushy." Cindy said while nuzzling the blonde's cheek in hoped to make her feel better. "Why can't I just fly?" Lucy whined with folded arms. "How about Natsu and I fly to the island with Cindy and Happy, earn the islanders' trust so its easier and you two come on a boat?" The blonde suggested while clinging to Natsu's side. The action caused Erza and Gray to flinch, the redhead looking like an overprotective sister ready to interrupt something. Natsu merely grunted as they continued to walk, passerbys looking at them with wide shocked eyes. Some wondering why they were with Natsu while others were worried for the blonde clinging to him. "That sounds better, right Natsu?" Lucy quipped while looking up at the salmon-haired male.

The chaos dragon nodded his agreement and Lucy grinned happily. "Thank god." Lucy sighed. She let go of Natsu's arm and ran off towards the edge of the port. At that moment a slow ringing of bells sounded before a golden light appeared. When the light dimmed, beside Lucy was a orange-haired male, with lion ears, shades and a suit. "I sensed your distress Lucy." He said, taking Lucy's hand into his own and placing a kiss to the back. He stopped, however, when he heard a threatening growl that sent a chill down his spine. Looking to his right he saw Natsu and Erza glaring darkly at him, as if preparing his grave. "I'm fine, Loke. I'm going to fly." Lucy said and took her hand away from the celestial spirit.

"Guys, this is one of my Celestial Spirits, Leo the Lion. He prefers to be called Loke though." Lucy said and Cindy went to hug the celestial spirit. "It's a pleasure to meet Lucy's friends." Loke said while scratching the top Cindy's head, quietly recovering from the fright Erza and Natsu gave him, though a part of him was still weary. "Well, time to go!" The Celestial spirit grinned before disappearing in a puff of pink smoke. "Excuse me!" Shouted a rather desperate voice. The mages looked behind them to see a man in a small boat staring at them with nothing short of desperation. "You all are mages, right? Are you going to quell the curse on the island?" He questioned. "The group exchanged looks before answering.

"We are. And we'll try our best." Gray answered and the man grinned. "I'll take you, if you'd like." The man suggested, and before he got answer, he already began making space on his boat. "Me and him will be flying. Is that okay?" Lucy questioned, helping Erza onto the boat. "Anything is fine as long as you save the people on the island." The man said with a watery smile and Lucy grinned. "Don't worry! We'll save everyone on the island." Lucy promised and Cindy sat down on Erza's lap, while Happy found himself on the red-head's shoulder.  "Let's go Natsu." Lucy grinned, grabbing hold of Natsu's tanned hands. She spread her wings and hovered, awaiting Natsu to join her while everyone froze in awe.

Natsu spread his own wings and, with that, he and Lucy bid farewell and flew off towards the cursed island of Galuna. The flight wasn't as tedious as one would think, Lucy's constant chatter made it easy for Natsu to get distracted while they flew. Answering with a hum or a grunt to show the fire dragon that he was listening to her. They arrived at the island after a good 30 minutes of flight. They landed gracefully on the sand and began to walk towards the village they had spotted above the trees while still in flight. "What do you think the curse is?" Lucy asked after a while inside the forest. Natsu thought a bit about the possibilities. "The man at the dock had his coat covering on his arms, it could possibly be something to do with their bodies." Natsu said after some time and the fire dragon hummed in thought, mulling over the chaos dragon's thoughts. "That seems plausible." She smiled and Natsu answered with a grunt.

They arrived at the a large gate made of logs only a couple minutes after their short talk. "Well this is unwelcoming." Lucy huffed with a pout and folded arms. Natsu sniffed the air and spread his wings, taking off. Lucy followed soon after, confused as to what Natsu was doing. They flew over the log gate and landed in the middle of a village, only to be surrounded quickly and have spears pointed at them. "Shit-"


Not my longest chapter and I apologize for being so slow with updates. I'm a high school student and I often get very stressed with school and other things. It got to the point where I even began procrastinating with the things I enjoy like typing fanfics. I'll try to get back to it but for now be patient with me. I also can't believe how much this story had blown up! I'm glad you all enjoy it! See you next time!!

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