2 • E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L

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"Do you ever feel like an outcast? You don't have to fit into the format. Oh, but it's okay to be different."

- So Am I by : [Ava Max]


Chapter 2

Time skip : [ 8 years later ]

Clark Kent - age (8)
Lara Lewis - age (7)
{She began school a year early}

I listened attentively as our history teacher, Miss Rampling, began speaking about our little city, Kansas. History was a subject that I really took an interest in. It taught us where we came from and what the world was like before now.

Miss Rampling wrote down the timeline of Kansas and a small description of each year. I scribbled down the notes, not wanting to fall behind. Failing was not an option. What? I'm a good, hardworking student.

"Clark, who became the first settler of Kansas?" Miss Rampling asks as she looks at Clark.

I turn around to face Clark, who had been sitting behind me for the entire year. He had each of his hands on the ends of the table. His breathing was fast and uneven...he was panicking.

"Clark, are you listening? Clark?" I heard the teacher's voice at the front of the class.

Miss Ramping's footsteps could be heard throughout the silent classroom as all the students had their eyes now fixed on Clark. Miss Rampling stops at Clark's table. Clark's eyes flickered everywhere except at the teacher.

"I asked if you could tell me who first settled in Kansas." Miss Rampling says to Clark. How could she not see Clark was in a panic state?

Clark's eyes flickers to the teacher and his breathing becomes worse. He quickly looks at the student to his left and then back to the teacher. Clark keeps his eyes on the teacher. His eyes become slightly wide as if he had just seen something truly terrifying.

"Are you alright, Clark?" The teachers asks, worry covers her face.

He turns his head quickly around the class, his eyes doesn't stay on one place for more than a second. He then covers his ears, as if something loud was ringing. But I heard nothing. I watched as I witnessed Clark have a panic attack for the first time.

Clark quickly gets out of his seat and runs off to the door and out of the classroom. The teacher calls his name aloud, we all stare, wondering what was going on with Clark.

The teacher rushed off in pursuit of the boy, calling his mother while following him. The rest of the kids followed her action of runnimh out of class. I didn't bother packing up my stationary as I ran quickly, pushing students out of my way to get to Clark first.

We saw the teacher at the janitor's closet. Clark must be inside. We surrounded the closet as the teacher attempted to get Clark out.

"Clark, I have called your mother." Miss Rampling knocks on the closet's door, her hands were now on the doorhandle, hoping Clark would unlock the door.

"Clark!" The teacher calls out again.

Suddenly Miss Rampling breaks her hand away from the door in shock and steps back in astonishment and gasps. The kids all look at the teacher while I look at the doorhandle. I touched it softly and quickly pull my hand away from it as I felt how hot the handle was.

Clark was using his laser eyes to heat up the handle to stop miss Ramping's attempts of getting him out of the closet.

"I'm here! Clark honey, it's mom." Mr's Kent says and she makes her way over to the door.

"Can you open the door?" She asks her son sweetly.

Whispers begin to emit from the crowd of fellow classmates. "What's wrong with him anyway?", "He's such a freak.", "Crybaby.", "His parents won't even let him play with out kids.", "I know, what a weirdo.". I ball my fists up on the sides of my body.

"Stop it! All of you! Clark's not a freak, crybaby or weirdo. Yes he has problems, just like each of you have. And who said that he's parents doesn't let him play with other kids. I play with him, everyday might I add. Don't judge other people just because of the way they are. You don't know what they are going through. So shut your traps!" I yell out, all the students and the teacher looks at me but I ignore them all and keep my eyes on Clark's mother as she tries to get her son out of the closet.

"Sweety, how can I help you if you won't let me in?" Mrs Kent asks and bends down to the door handle.

"The world's too big mom." Clark's voice comes out soft, hardly perceivable.

"Then make it small. Just um...focus on my voice. Pretend it's an island, out in the ocean. Can you see it?" Clark's mother says to her son.

"I see it." Clark answers.

"Then swim towards it honey." Mrs Kent says and seconds later the door is opened and Clark engulfs his mother into a hug.

That afternoon I went over to the Kent's after I finished my homework. It was quite a walk but I got there and found Clark on his swing his father had set up for him.

I tried taking his mind off of the whole school incident and we ended up jumping into stacks of hay in the barn.

Clark showed me that he had learnt to fly. Yes, I knew about his abilities for as long as he has. It came a surprise but I always knew he was special.


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