8 • S U P E R M A N A P P E A R S

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“Something big, I feel it happening out of my control. Pushing, pulling and it's grabbing me, feel it in my bones...cause something big is happening.

- Something Big by : [Shawn Mendes]


Chapter 8


"They've been on it since Zod spoke to me." Clark says.

'Maybe this all would blow over.' I thought to myself. But if I only knew, this...that this was the beginning to something this world will never know. This was the beginning of Earth coming to an end.


Clark took off without any word as to where he was headed. All he had muttered was that he needed some kind of guidance as to what his next move should be.

Martha nor I questioned him, for he was already a grown man and could make decisions on his own, this was his life and his choices.

The sun shone brightly as Martha and I were outside and she continued to take care of her precious plants while I sat down and strummed Your Song by Elton John

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside,
I'm not one of those who can easily hide,
I don't have much money, but boy if I did,
I'd buy a big house where we both could live.

And you can tell everybody this is your song,
It may be quite simple, but now it's done,
I hope you don't mind,
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words,
How wonderful life is while you're in the world.

Martha and I stand the first and second chorus together as I strummed the strings of the guitar along to the song's original tune.

"Is that your phone ringing there inside?" She asks me and I look to her bewildered,'Is a phone ringing inside?', I question to myself and then I heard it, my ringtone.

"Yes, I'll be right back." I tell Martha and run into the living room where I had left my phone I'm the sofa.

I looked at the caller ID, I groaned aloud when I saw Perry's name appear. I apathy answered the call.

"Lara, have you heard from Lois in the past thirty minutes?" Perry asks me I'm a serious tone.

"A good morning would have been an amazing way to greet Perry. And no to your question. Lois last texted me something about the FBI being at her home and that she was gonna escape. I don't know anything else. I've called her but she doesn't pick up. I'm getting really worried here Perry." I say to him trying to stay call as I run my hands through my hair and begin pacing back and forth.

"They probably got her." Perry groans loudly into the phone.

"Who, Perry, who's got her?" I quickly ask him and stop pacing.

"The military." He states and I'm taken back a bit.

"Why?" I ask him.

"She got her article published about this alien that saved her. She had stumbled upon some spaceship and was attached, the alien person saved her and both the alien and the spaceship are evidence of terrestrial life. That gripped people's attention after the Zod guy asked for someone named Kal-El..." I cut Perry off.

"Damn it Lois! Why would she...the least she could have done was inform me. This is all Zod/Kal-El business and now Lois also has to drag herself into this..." Perry then cuts me off my rant.

"I couldn't agree more?" Perry questions and I then realise what I had said.

"I'm heading off to the base, Perry call me if you get anything." I tell him.

"Are you crazy? The best thing to do right now is not to get into the mess Lois has caused." Perry suggests and I grab my car keys.

"Perry I've been part of this since forever. The alien person you speak of, I know who he is Perry, send me those articles Lois had sorted right now. I don't know how long I'll have signal in this place." I end the phone call and run into my bedroom.

I rummage through my suitcase and find what I was looking for. My name tag that I use when I go out for interviews for my job.

I check my phone and see that Perry sent the article in an email.

I hook my phone up to my laptop and then set up a printer, which I am happy that I had brought along to do some work on. I quickly print out the articles and put it into an empty binder.

I rush out of the house. And towards my car that stood in the Kent's residence's driveway.

"And where are you headed dear?" She asks me.

"I need to go somewhere, kind of related to work. I'll see you once I get back." I say and speed walk to my car. I climbed into my car and start the engine. I place the binder on the passenger seat and then begin to drive off towards the military base.

I practically sped off to the military base. What should have been a two hour drive turned into a 70 minute drive, told you I sped.

I saw in a view many military vehicles and a few helicopters in a distance.

I pressed my foot down hard on the gas and came to a sharp stop as behind military vehicles which blocked me from everything.

I stepped out of my vehicle and avoided demands form soldiers to return to my vehicle. I finally made it into hearing distance from the female that spoke to Clark.

"Are you the ranking officer here?" She questions the guy whom I assume was the general.

"I am." He answers.

"General Zod would like this woman and that one over there," the woman points her finger to me, "to accompany me."

A few soldiers look at me questionably and I catch Lois' eyes and walk over to her. I see Clark's watch over us.

"You asked for the alien. You didn't say anything of two from our own." A guy form the military says.

"What are you doing here?" Lois whispers me.

"The same reasons you are here." I whisper back to her.

"Should I tell general that you are unwilling to comply?" She questions.

"I don't care what you tell him." The military guy says.

"It's alright. I'll go." I say and walk forwards towards the female and so does Lois.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." She whispers to me.

"Well you should of thought about this before you wrote that damn article." I say and we filled the female as she boards the spaceship. Once we board the ship it takes off.


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