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Jungkook's P.O.V

"DINNER'S READY!" Jin hyung shouted from the kitchen.

Everyone except me and Taehyung dashed to the kitchen.

I sighed as I placed down the paper and pencil, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Oh for the love of iron man, this is giving me a headache.." I muttered.

Taehyung laughed, making me glare at him. "What are you laughing for?" I asked.

He chuckled before he soon calmed down. "Nothing, I just find it really cute at how you get your pretty little head worked up over a project." He said.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up.


I came out of the room they told me to stay in only to see them in the living room, relaxing.

"You guys aren't asleep yet?" I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

"Yeah, we often sleep late." Namjoon hyung said.

"Hey Jungkook, you play the piano, don't you?" Yoongi hyung asked.

I turned to him and nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"I was actually going to suggest that you can use my piano so that you can create the instrumental version of your song, if you'd like."

"Really?" I asked in assurance. He nodded.

"Thank you! It would really help." I said.

"Come with me then. I can guide you through too." He said, soon standing up, leading me upstairs.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I yawned, checking the time to see it was already 12. Everyone was asleep, Suga hyung left Jungkook in his studio when the kid told him he'd stay a little longer.

I went to Suga hyung's studio to see Jungkook already asleep on Suga hyung's desk with the lyric sheet beside him.

I sighed a little as I picked him up bridal style, trying not to wake him up in the process as I took him to his room.

"Mm... Noona.. please wake up... I don't wanna be alone.." he murmured in his sleep, making me raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

'What is he dreaming about?'

"You promised we'd be together forever... far away from Eomma and Appa.." he cried.

I sighed and shook my head as I pulled the duvet over him.

"I'm not one to comfort, Jungkook. I'm the opposite of that.." I whispered as I stroked his hair gently.

He sniffled as tears fell from his closed eyes. I frowned, wiping them away.

I sat on the edge of the bed as I caressed his cheek. "Sleep well Jungkookie.. tomorrow is another day." I said as I stood up, leaving him alone, heading for my own bedroom.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"W-what..?" I looked at my hands, then to my surroundings to see nothing.

Until the darkness turned into a familiar place, the living room I spent my whole childhood in.

My eyes widened when I saw myself as a kid, whining on the floor, while a girl a lot more older than me laughed to her heart's content.

"You've always been such a brat." She breathed out a sigh as a bright smile made way to her lips, pulling the younger me to a hug.

Then, my surroundings changed into a street. I saw myself crossing the road with a huge truck rushing towards me.

"JUNGKOOK!" someone screamed. I turned to see the same girl, push me to the other side, as she was the one that got hit by the truck.

"NOONA!" I saw myself yell at the top of my lungs as I rushed to her now bloodied body.

Everyone gathered to see what it was all about. They just stood there, one took out their phone to call an ambulance.

"WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU STANDING FOR?! HELP HER!" I yelled at the crowd as I turned my head back to my Noona who was in tears.

I broke down as I held her tighter. "Dork, why.. are you c.. crying..?" She asked, smiling in pain

"Why wouldn't I..? Y-you shouldn't have pushed me.." I complained, tears falling endlessly from my face.

She choked out a pained laugh as she slowly caressed my cheek. "Oh my dear Jungkook.. i'm sorry Noona broke her promise..." she apologised, tears finally falling from her eyes as well.

"No, no no no no! Don't you dare say that!" I screamed, shutting my eyes tight as I shook my head.

"You.. you've always been... such a brat..

It all stopped, as everything soon turned black again. I looked around aimlessly as my vision was blurry from my tears.

I fell to my knees as I cried harder. "Stop... stop it.."

Soon, a soft warm hand stroked my hair, making my eyes widen as I looked up to see the same beloved girl I adored so much.

"Y-Yoonji..?" I called out. She smiled softly as she knelt down to my level, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Oh Kookie... I missed you.." she said as her grip tightened even more, if possible.

"Why did you do that..?" I asked, barely audible to hear.

"What..?" She let go of me, confused.

"Why sacrifice your life to save me..?" I asked, feeling tears swell in my eyes once more.

She smiled softly as she caressed my cheek. "Because you're precious.. If I were to be the one alive, I find it difficult to have a thought of you dead." She answered.

"I don't have much time anymore my dear.. Take good care of yourself, ok? I'm still here with you, even if you can't see me anymore." She said.

I felt myself smile as I hug her again. She giggled and soon whispered in my ear.

"Now wake up."

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