E is for Ew!

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The wise rodent knew children could be picky eaters....but he never expected his sweet tots to be so extremely picky!

The little ones were 2 years old, and feeding time was rough! They all had different preferences and never wanted to eat the same thing as one another.

Leonardo liked only fruit but only specific fruits, like apples, blueberries and strawberries. He hated everything else.

Rapheal only ate sandwiches, but only ham and cheese, he wouldn't touch anything else but the sandwich.

Donatello insisted only eating veggies. He was the only tot who would even touch a piece of broccoli.

Michealangelo, however....was not picky. He ate anything but veggies. He loved worms and algae the most.

One day, at breakfast time, the wise father decided to try and get his sons to eat different foods so they could have a balanced diet.

So....he gave Leo eggs, Raph got toast, Donnie got sausage and Mikey got  pancakes. He ate dry cereal himself.

When he brought the tots down, they immediately started looking around for their usual foods. Splinter sat and waited to see what would happen.

"Daddy, wan' fwoot!" Leo whined, looking at the eggs in disgust. "It's yuckyyyy!"

Splinter simply handed him a fork. "Please try your eggs, Leonardo they are good for you and are yummy."

Leo shook his little head and pushed the plate sway. "Ew, ew, ew, nooo!" He said with a pouting face.

With a small sigh, Splinter turned to Raphie who was crossing his arms at his breakfast. "No wan' it!"

"Please try it, my son...it is healthy and delicious, you will see." Splinter attempted to coax him.

"No!" Raphie screamed. "Sandwich, daddy!" Splinter did not respond. "Ew daddy, no wan' it!"

With a frown, he moved to Donatello. He was thankful the little one loved veggies, but he needed protein in his diet as well.

"Please try your sausage, Donatello...it is delicious and healthy for you, please try a bite for daddy?"

Little Donnie took one look at the neat and shook his head. "No daddy, cawwots?" He begged, pleadingly.

Splinter looked at him kindly. "Don't you want to try a little bit? I am sure you will like it." He coaxed.

"No, ew daddy...no want it!" Little Donnie said stubborly. With a sigh, Splinter turned to his youngest tot.

Mikey was happily eating his pancakes. "Yum!" He said, smearing his face with sticky syrup.

The wise father patted the baby on the head. "Good boy, Michealangelo...I am glad you are not as fussy as your big brothers!"

Mikey let out a delightful squeal as he stuffed more pancake into his mouth, enjoying his daddy's praise.

Turning to the three oldest, he noticed them looking at Mikey then back at him. "Hmm, do you three what to be good boys, too?"

They looked at each other intently. "Yes!" They said in unison. Splinter gestured to the plates. "Please eat your food."

The three little ones looked at their plates. "Ewwww, yucky!" They whined in disgust. Splinter sighed.

He guessed his little boys weren't ready for new foods. He supposed he could let them eat what they wanted for a while longer.

He gave Leo some blueberries, Raphie got a cheese sandwich, Donnie got some carrots and Mikey ate the unwanted food with gusto.

"Mm!" All of the tots said, contently. At least they are happy. Splinter thought to himself, smiling.

A couple days later, he was watching the television with all of his little ones. A pizza commercial came on.

The very commercial that got little Michealangelo to speak his first words. That's when the wise rat noticed something....

All of his tots were staring intently at the tv. "Pizza!" They shouted. "Daddy, pizza, wan' pizza!" A chorus of pizzas rang out into the lair.

Splinter smiled hopefully. "You all pizza?" He asked. They all nodded. "Pizza daddy, wan' it pwease!"

So, the proud and happy father ordered a pizza. He got one pizza for them all to share. They stated at the box in anticipation.

Splinter put one piece on each little plate and the little ones immediately dug in. "Mmm, wike pizza!" Leo said.

"Pizza yummmy!" Raphie giggled, chewing a price of pepperoni. "Mmm!" Donnie smiled.

Mikey practically swallowed his slice whole, immediately wanting another one. Splinter gave him another.

He'd gotten a pizza with cheese, pepperoni, pineapple, sausage, veggies and sauce, of course.

That way, they all had what they wanted on it. Splinter was definitely amazed. They finally were eating the same thing and loved it!

His little sons would he picky no more. After that, they almost always ate the same thing. No more fussy little tots at mealtimes.

Though, they all hated mushrooms. And that was ok, because Splinter did as well. After all, you can't like everything!

That's how the little ones discovered their new favorite food...pizza!

A/N: Hey readers! Hope you guys enjoyed the fluff! I know the tots don't eat pizza till their teens, but why not have them experience it when they're young?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey readers! Hope you guys enjoyed the fluff! I know the tots don't eat pizza till their teens, but why not have them experience it when they're young?

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