H is for Heaven

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You might want to get some tissues...

The wise and patient father was washing the dishes when his littlest son, Michealangelo ran up to him.

"Daddy!" He shouted. "Daddy, I found something, can I keep it? Pwease? I pwomise to take good care of it!"

Splinter picked to his enthusiastic tot. "Alright Michealangelo, show daddy what you have found." He said.

He put Mikey down and the little one took off running to one of the tunnels. He was staring into a puddle at something.

Splinter knelt down and saw a tiny little frog in the puddle, hopping around aimlessly from puddle to puddle.

"Can I keep him daddy? Pwease? I pwomise I'll feed him and give him baths and everything!" Mikey begged.

Splinter gently picked up the little green frog. "You may keep him, my son, let us find a home for him."

Mikey jumped up and down excitedly as they walked back home. On the way there, Mikey found a little can.

"Daddy, this can be Felix's home!" Mikey exclaimed, already naming the little frog in his hands.

"I see you have already named him...well, I am sure Felix will love his new can, my son."

Once they got back to the lair, Mikey immediately showed his new pet to his brothers. They were very interested.

"Oo, what is it?" Leo asked, interested. "It's a juvenile tree frog!" Donnie said immediately, picking it up.

"It's kinda cool...what's it doin' here anyway?" Raph asked, a bit grumpy. Mikey grinned. "He's my pet!"

Splinter smiled at his sons. "Yes, Michealangelo found him in the tunnels...he's going to take good care of him."

The brothers all looked at Mikey holding his pet. Mikey put the tiny frog in the can. "His name's Felix!"

"Felix?" Raph interrupted. "What kinda name is that?" Splinter scowled. "Rapheal, do not be rude, Felix is a fine name."

Raph covered a little. "Sorry Mikey, I guess Felix is an ok name." He apologized to his little brother.

Mikey only smiled as he held Felix in his arms. "I love him so much! I'm gonna keep him forever!"

Splinter froze. That certainly wasn't possible but he wasn't going to rain on his 4-year-old's parade by telling him that.

"Er.....yes my son, you can keep him." He assured, patting Mikey's head. "I am going to finish the dishes."

For the next few weeks, Mikey took very good care of Felix. He fed him bugs he found, he gave him a bath in the sink, and he player with him.

The other turtles slowly began to love Felix too, and even began playing with him and helping Mikey feed and bathe him!

Splinter smiled as he watched them, making sure to take pictures. He was happy his little sons had a pet, but he knew living conditions weren't that great in the sewers.

He was right....

One morning, when the wise father was just waking up, little Michealangelo ran into the room sobbing his little heart out.

"Daddeee!" He wailed. Splinter immediately picked him up and soothed him as Mikey sobbed.

"My little one, what had gotten you so upset?" Splinter asked comfortingly. He allowed Mikey to bury his face in the maroon kimono.

"F-Felix w-wasn't moving this m-morning and D-Donnie said that he was d-dead!"

Splinter's heart twitched. "Oh, my little one..." He hugged Mikey tight as the tot sobbed into his chest.

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