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Okay guys, so I got this idea on a whim today and decided to start a new story for it. I will still be writing my other two stories, but I'm really excited about this one because I just love Loki and Sigyn together! ^_^ This story is going to take place  in three different time periods, beginning when Loki and Sigyn are very young (somewhere around 8-10 years old), then continuing when they are teenagers, and finally to around the time of the Avengers. Also, I marked it as being rated pg-13, but there may be some graphic stuff happening in later chapters...I will warn you before the chapter starts though, in case anyone wants to skip over it. I'm gonna stop ramling now, so enjoy! And please let me know what you think! :)


“LOKI!! COME BACK HERE!!” Thor’s booming voice followed me out into the garden as I ran from him. I giggled as I hid behind a row of bushes, clutching my brother’s new helmet in my hands. I’d only wished to try it on, but Thor’s arrogant pride had forced me into stealing it from him. I was going to give it back…soon.

            I waited until I saw the top of his blonde head go running past the bushes, then I looked down at the helmet, ignoring his shouting of my name. It was a silver helmet, brand new and shiny, and it sported two wing-like rows of bird’s feathers on either side. As much as I had already mocked him for the feathers, I had to admit, he looked very much like a prince with this helmet on. Father had given me a helmet this morning as well, a sort of gift from him after having left us for a week to deal with the dark elves. It had been a minor problem, but father had made up for his absence in the end. I had received a bright golden helmet, similar to Thor’s, but with large, curving golden horns where his wings would have been. I loved it, thinking that it made me look like as much of a warrior as my brother, but he had only teased me about it. He’d called me a cow, in reference to the horns, and I immediately discarded the helmet in my bedroom. Now, however, as I slipped the winged helmet onto my head, I felt like a prince. I smiled as the top of it fell down over my eyes; Thor’s head was bigger than mine, partially because he was two years older, and partially because of his egotistical manner.

            Suddenly, I heard Thor’s hurried footsteps returning to my hiding place in the garden. I crouched down again, but I was too late; The reflection  of the afternoon sun glinted off of the helmet and betrayed me. “There you are!” Thor growled, jumping behind the bushes and scaring me. I gasped and fell over on my back, lifting the helmet a little so I could see him. He towered over me, frowning, and held out one hand. “Give it back,” He demanded.

            I bit my lip and quickly took the helmet off, handing it back to Thor and refusing to look him in the eyes.

Thor tucked the helmet under his left arm, then held his right hand out again, sighing. “Come on, you little bilgesnipe,” He chuckled, grabbing my hand. I smiled as he pulled me up, realizing that he wasn’t really angry with me. “What is it that draws you so to mischief, brother?”

I giggled and jumped up on his back as he started to walk back towards the palace. “It was just a bit of fun, Thor! I wanted to try on your helmet.”

“I gathered that. And did it suit you well, brother?”

“No. Your head’s much too big.” And with that, I slipped from Thor’s back and ran around him before his could catch me.

“LOKI!” Thor bellowed as I ran for the place doors.  Only laughed and ran inside, losing him amongst the many corridors within. When I reached the library, I stepped inside and closed the doors behind me, leaning against them as I caught my breath. Finally, I smiled to myself triumphantly, and walked off into the first row of books.

This was my sanctuary. I always came here to hide from Thor, or even father when he was cross with me. I was never followed in here, as father would eventually give up and decide to punish me at a later time, and Thor was much too airheaded to even step foot in the library. I, however, thrived in here. Mother was the only one who knew of the sanctuary I found in this room, and she would often come here with me. We spent many a night in this room, reading to each other from our favorite books. When I was alone, however, it was not a story I craved, but knowledge. I spent long hours studying in here, both for my tutors and for my own personal gain.

So, without so much as a backward glance, I was off to scan the shelves for something I had not yet read. Every so often, a book’s spine would catch my eyes and intrigue me enough to take it off the self and flip through its pages. That is, until I suddenly pulled a book off a shelf to reveal a pair of bright blue eyes on the other side of it. I gasped and reeled back, holding the book up in defense. The eyes on the other side of the shelf scrunched up in laughter and a giggle issued forth from their owner. I slowly lowered the book and glared at what I perceived to be a young girl. “Who are you?” I asked, suddenly feeling the need to prove myself now that she had laughed at my cowardice.

The girl slowly pulled another book off the shelf and stepped back, allowing me to see her entire face now. “My name is Sigyn,” She giggled, batting her pretty, girly eyelashes at me.

I sneered at her and shoved my book back onto the shelf. “How dare you not kneel to your future king,” I spat, my boyish voice making it sound much less threatening than I had hoped. I began to walk away, angry now, but I could hear her footsteps on the other side of the shelf echoing my own. When I came finally to the intersection between shelves, I stopped and waited for the girl to show herself. She smiled as she emerged from behind the books, nervously tucking a strand of her golden hair behind her ear. She wore a purple dress, with a gaudy floral pattern on the bodice. No doubt, her parents were of nobility, or their daughter would not have such an expensive dress. Nevertheless, she had annoyed me. “I demand you stop following me, or I’ll have you answer to my father!”

Sigyn looked at me with glossy eyes. Had I hurt her feelings? Her bottom lip trembled for a moment, but her demeanor suddenly hardened as she glared at me. “You’re not a king yet! You can’t boss me around!”

“I’m not a king, but I am a prince of Asgard. You still must obey me!”

Sigyn scowled at me, then crossed her arms defiantly. I had to admit, I very nearly enjoyed her defiance; It was quite amusing. “Maybe I would if you weren’t so mean,” She snapped.

I lowered my eyebrows in what I assumed was a threatening glare and stepped closer to her. “Well maybe I wouldn’t be so mean if you hadn’t frightened me!” I yelled back.

That did it. Sigyn smiled mischievously at that, and playfully moved her hips form side to side, twirling her dress around her ankles. “I frightened you?” She asked. I didn’t say anything, and she immediately knew my answer. “Prince Loki’s afraid of a girl!” She taunted, squealing with laughter as she suddenly ran away from me. My jaw dropped in wonderment that she would speak to a prince that way, but I quickly regained my composure and took off after her. She was laughing as she ran down one row of books after another, effectively making it difficult for me to keep up with her, and all the while yelling, “Prince Loki’s afraid of a girl,” at the top of her little lungs. I kept up my angered chase for awhile, but soon enough, it had become a game. I was laughing with her as I chased after her, and eventually, she stopped taunting me. Now, the library was filled with nothing but laughs and giggles. When I finally caught up to her, I tackled her to the ground, both of us sliding a bit on the tiled floor. We were still laughing as I rolled off of her onto my back, and she pushed herself up onto her knees beside me. She smiled at me as I tried to regain my composure, then looked away, nervously. “I apologize for frightening you…and for taunting you like I did. It was very wrong of me, my prince.” She bowed her head to me, and I stopped smiling. I didn’t want her to bow to me now. I wanted her to be my friend after what had just transpired between us. I thought her nearly my equal now.

I sat up and shook my head. “I am sorry too, Sigyn. I should not have yelled at you. But please, call me Loki.” She looked up at me with slight confusion and I smiled. Without hesitating, I suddenly spit in my hand and held it out to her. “Friends?” I asked.

Sigyn stared at my hand in disgust for a moment, then grinned and spit in her own hand, slapping it into mine. “Friends,” She agreed. We shook hands briefly while we smiled at each other.

Little did either of us know that this moment would be the start of a very beautiful friendship that would last a lifetime.

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