In Case Something Goes Wrong

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Loki’s Point of View

            I stood outside the door for a few minutes, until I heard her sobbing. It broke my heart to know I had been the one to cause this. I wanted to run in there and comfort her, but I knew she didn’t want that right now. Instead, I sighed and walked away, running my hand through my hair. For now, I had other things that I needed to take care of before I could worry about this.

I walked out to the stables and ordered a servant to saddle a horse for me while I visited my Sleipnir. In recent years, Odin had taken to riding him without my consent, turning my child into a regular freak show while he paraded him around. He took Sleipnir to other realms, every time ending in someone noticing and ridiculing his differences. I would never allow him out of Asgard again, nor would anyone dare to make a jest of him while I was on the throne. I went into his stable and ran my hand over his long neck while he pulled at his bale of hay. He lifted his head when he noticed me, and playfully nuzzled his nose against my chest. I smiled and petted his head, placing a kiss between his eyes. “Be a good boy,” I told him, “I’ll be back soon. I have to make a trip to see Uncle Thor.” Sleipnir’s ears perked up at the mention of Thor’s name, and I couldn’t help the tears that sprang to my eyes. I blinked until they went away, then let go of Sleipnir. I patted his cheek once more before leaving the stable and mounting the horse that had been readied for me.

Without anymore stalling, I rode out to the Bifrost to fine Heimdall guarding the door to the observatory. As I climbed down from the horse, he bowed his head to me. “Heimdall,” I said, loudly, “Can you see Thor?”

“Yes, Loki,” he replied in his deep voice, “He still yearns for you. For his family.”

I hesitated, knowing that Thor was still unaware of my true lineage. He still believed me to be his bother. “What is he doing?” I asked, trying my best to stay disconnected from the love that once bound us as brothers.

“He has found Mjolnir,” Heimdall replied. My eyes widened, disbelieving, but Heimdall frowned. “He has found it, yet he cannot wield it.”

I nodded, looking away for a moment. “It was cruel to put the hammer in his reach, knowing that he could not touch it,” I mused. When I looked back to Heimdall, he sighed.

“You wish to see him,” he stated. I nodded, and he quickly turned to enter the observatory. I followed him in, already planning what I would say to him. Luckily for me, Heimdall did not notice the smirk on my face as he opened the Bifrost to Midgard. Or if his all-seeing eye did see it, he did not interpret it correctly.

Sigyn’s Point of View

It was a long time before  finally came around and lifted myself off of the floor. I had fallen asleep while I was crying, and by the time I had woken up, night had already fallen outside. I got up and checked to make sure I had left the door unlocked, then slowly made my way to the closet. I pulled out a nightdress and slipped it on, then crawled solemnly into bed. It was late, so I assumed that Loki would return soon. I wanted him to return, but at the same time, I was frightened to think that he was still angry with me. I had reasoned with myself that his stubbornness was only a result of the stress he must be feeling right now, and that he hadn’t meant a word of what he’d said to me. Nevertheless, it was daunting to think that I could be wrong.

I curled up beneath the blankets, snuggling into my pillow as if it were Loki himself. I had just started to dose off, when I suddenly heard the door creak open. I closed my eyes quickly, waiting to see what he would do. I listened closely as his soft footsteps made their way past the bed and to the closet. He changed his clothes and removed his armor, then quietly crawled into bed beside me. I didn’t move a muscle, until I suddenly felt him moving closer to my side of the bed. I shivered slightly as he pressed his cold lips to my forehead before retreating back to his side. I waited until he was settled down, then opened my eyes to see that he was facing me but his eyes were closed.

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