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Assuming you all know what the title of this chapter suggests, I just want to say that I'm really not following mythology at all...this is just loosly based off of the story of Loki and Svadilfari. So don't yell at me for getting all the facts wrong, it was just easier for me to tell the story this way, plus I'm way too much of a free spirit to follow conventions. But do leave comments! I'd love some feedback from you guys! I'm gonna stop rambling now...enjoy!


Nine Years Later (Sigyn’s Point of View)

            I walked into the library early one morning to find Loki sitting there, all alone, nearly hidden behind the piles of books he had stacked on the table. He was studying. Again. I stood in the doorway for a moment, watching him. He was very dedicated to his studies, unlike his brother, but it made him terribly clever. That’s what I loved about him, though. He was charming, even when he didn’t realize it, whereas Thor was boisterous and oftentimes unruly. Loki was quiet, reserved, intelligent. If only he was intelligent enough to understand why I looked at him the way I did. He never noticed the looks I gave him, or if he did, he acted as though he didn’t care.

He was no longer the same boy I grew up with. He was much more mature now, and our old play dates have evolved into study dates and hours of intelligent conversation. He treated me as his friend still, but he couldn’t see that I wished for something more. Sighing, I watched his face as he studied. The gentle crease in his forehead that indicated he was very engrossed in whatever he was reading, the way his green eyes flicked over the words, those slender fingers tenderly turning the pages. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I slowly made my way into the room, doing my best not to draw his attention, and stood behind him. Just as I was about to grab his shoulders and scare him, someone dug their fingers into my sides from behind me. I squealed loudly and bumped into Loki’s chair, frightened. I turned around and saw Loki smirking back at me. Looking back down at the chair, I noticed his other form had disappeared.

“You should know by now that you can’t sneak up on me, Sigyn,” He breathed, walking around me to sit back down at the table full of books. I was still trying to regain composure from the scare.

I finally looked down at him and shoved his arm playfully. “Ass.”

“Love you too, darling,” he snickered. Did he know what it did to me when he called me that? He had to. He did it far too often not to know. “Did you need something?” He asked suddenly, glancing up from his work.

“No, I just wanted to know what you were doing,” I replied, opening one of his books and absently leafing through its pages.

“Well, I’m studying. And I would appreciate some peace and quiet.”

My jaw dropped, appalled by his rudeness. “Are you asking me to leave?”

“No. I’m telling you to leave.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Then, I shall drag you out of this library myself.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“I would.”

I glared at Loki until he looked up at me and closed his book. “Don’t look at me like that,” he muttered, picking up another book, “This is the only time I have to study. I have a meeting with father tonight, and I’d like to be done with this before then.”

“Ooh, a meeting? What sort of meeting?”

“One for kings. Nothing you need to worry about.”

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