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Loki’s Point of View

            As soon as I laid eyes on the beautiful sight before me, my legs nearly gave out, due to the pure joy of the moment. I’d thought that seeing my mother for the first time in a year was wonderful only moments ago, but this was even better. It wasn’t that I hadn’t seen her, because I did almost every night, but it was the freedom I now had with her. She was all mine, and nothing was going to change that again. I could hold her and kiss her all I wanted and I could tell her how much I love her. That was all I craved while I was locked up, and now, I had it all.

            I smiled from the doorway, hesitating as my heart pounded in my chest. Sigyn smiled back at me, her eyes bright and shining in the dim morning light pouring in through the window. With a sudden sigh, she finally ran towards me, falling into my arms with happy tears streaming down her face. I laughed lightly and held her as close to me as I could, burying my face in her golden hair. I breathed her in deeply, swaying back and forth with her for a moment before I pulled away. I gently pushed her into the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind me, giving us the privacy we needed. I glanced around the room for a moment, smirking. “It’s exactly as I’d left it,” I whispered, looking down at Sigyn finally. She smiled back at me, her cheeks reddening slightly.

            “I didn’t want to change it; Everything reminded me of you…of how things were before….” I gently reached up to place a finger to her lips, silencing her. Her eyes flicked up to mine instantly, and I smirked.

            “Everything is back to normal now. Let’s not dwell on the past.” She smiled against my finger, and I lowered it to bend down and kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, holding me to her as she deepened the kiss. I groaned against her lips and tightened my arms around her waist. We stood there like that for some time, simply kissing each other, until I finally had to pull away. I smiled down at Sigyn, who seemed to be breathless, and she grinned back at me. Without a word, I suddenly reached into my pocket and pulled out a huge, sparkling, diamond ring. She gasped softly at the sight of it, and I gently lifted her left hand to slide it onto her finger. “I promised I would find my lady a ring as soon as I was free again. Have I done well, darling?” Her smile and the tears in her eyes answered my question, but she nodded anyways and pulled me down for another long kiss. When we broke apart again, I smiled wickedly and scooped her up into my arms.

            Sigyn squealed with surprise and excitement, and I carried her over to the bed, dropping her down so that I could crawl over her. She was still giggling as I loomed over her, and I smiled back, my eyes traveling all over her beautiful face. It was nice to see it in proper lighting again. She was still smiling when I leaned down slowly, barely pressing my lips to hers in a chaste, yet passionate kiss. I then leaned my forehead gently against hers, reaching for her hand and lacing our fingers together while my other arm supported myself over her. She smiled shyly at me now, and I frowned slightly. I couldn’t believe I had put this wonderful woman through everything that I did. She deserved better than that. So much better. “Sigyn,” I whispered, using my free hand to trace my fingertips over her cheek, “I’m so sorry.”

            In a heartbeat, her fingers were pressed over my mouth. I stared at her for a moment, confused, but she only smiled. “Let’s not dwell on the past,” she whispered, echoing my statement from earlier. I smiled and gently pulled her hand away, rolling off of her and onto my side. I pulled her to me, and we held each other silently for a while. We laid there all morning, unmoving until we grew hungry around midday. We finally dragged ourselves out of bed and made for the dining hall, earning curious stares from just about everyone in the palace.

            When we finally arrived, we entered the room to find my brother already gorging himself at the table. He looked up briefly, nodding to us before turning right back to his food. I chuckled, and he suddenly looked back up, his face going pale. “Loki?!” Thor gasped, dropping his food and standing quickly. I smiled and held my arms out as if it were obviously me, and he quickly made his way over and embraced me. He squeezed me a bit too tightly, making both of us laugh, but I gasped when he lifted me clear off the ground.

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