Part 1

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An axe meeting the surface of a wood was heard in the back of a small house. A girl was wiping her sweat with an old towel while she surveyed the entrance of the forest to meeting the figure of her older brother playing with their youngest.The sun shone with it's fierce glare and the songs of the birds whisk and whispered through the air. thousands of leave around them fluttered, imitating a butterfly's wings. It is a good day indeed.

She let a small sigh escaped through her plump lips as a small smile crept on her face when Lucas, her baby brother tried to catch up with Clyde. Who was slowing down to let lucas catch up. His skin was glaze a sheen layer of sweat with his chest rising up and down rapidly. His fluffy brown hair was messy. . "You're to fast!" lucas yelled while panting a little bit. His green eyes portrayed his annoyance but shone with joy. Clyde bit back a cheeky grin and immediately hoist Lucas up in the air. Lucas yelped.

"Because you're still little! When you're older. Maybe we can see who is really the fastest.yeah?". Clyde said while his tan skin flex with the weight of his little brother. His similar green eyes was full of mischief. Their similar hair fluttered in the wind. The younger child pouted once again but didn't protest. Instead, he nodded then once again grin. Clyde immediately put lucas on his shoulders, his small chuuby legs dangle each from his brother's broad shoulder. Lucas while sitting on Clyde's shoulder. They went straight to where their sister was chopping wood.

"Need help!? " Clyde smiled at Luna, who chop another wood then look at her brother. Her hand on the handle of the axe and the other wiping her sweat. "I got this. I'm almost finish."

"Ooh ooh can i try it, Lu-lu? " she smiled at her cute brother and squish his chubby chhecks, making him whine. "you're too little for that. Maybe one day?" He pouted once again and then nod.

Luna turned to her brother "Can you bathe Papa for me? I need to deliver something to Anne, you know her and her delivers" Clyde nodded. "yeah i can do that. Let's go Lucas" ad they went inside.

Luna smiled at the door where they went in then looked at the chopped woods. "Time to get this babies in the back"...


She walk through the busy streets in their village. Even though it's a small community, it was full of people. The similar wooden houses contrast beautifully through the woods around them. She smiled at the boisterous man ahead of her, selling his usual boar meat. She can see the Verdez twins running around infront of their little cottage. And Grumpy old pete sitting on his old rickity rocking chair.

She finally arrived at Anne's one and only bakeshop. Entering in, she can smell the delicious scent of bread.

A woman on her mid 40's look up when she heard the bell rang and smiled happily. With her black hair tied to a messy bun and warm amber eyes look at Luna.

"Goodmorning Luna!!"

"Goodmorning!" Luna exclaimed while handing her package to the woman, who stood up and went infront of her.

"This is the wheat that you requested" she said while handing the wheat to Anne. "Thank you dear!, here." Anne fish out some silvers from her pocket and gave it to luna, who took it hesitantly. "You don't have to-"

"Please, you can take it. Gods know you're working hard buena. You deserve it"

Luna smiled, gratitude shone on her gold eyes. Silver was getting hard to come by today, and to have even just a little bit. It is more than she usually earn. A horn suddenly rang out on the village. Making the two flinch from the noise. Their head swiveled to the window outaide.

The plaza, was filled to the brim with people. Luna, curious on what's going on. Went outside to see their leader on the center.

"To all of the villagers of Greudan. I hereby announce that on this day. The great Draco Academy will have their yearly picks of the next soon to be Dragon Riders!!". Murmurs and cheers erupt from the great crowd. Luna stared numbly.

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