Superstar (Gabe X Reader)

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Imagine you are with the boys trying to find the trickster when he zaps you into "TV Land" (based off of the episode "Changing Channels")

You were sitting at the motel with Sam and Dean listening to police radio.  You were listening for anything that that might give off trickster vibes. 

You had been hunting with the boys for awhile now but you had yet to hunt a trickster.  You heard about their encounter with one, but they killed him, so you assume this one will be no different. 

Suddenly you are pulled from your thoughts

"Honestly Walt, I cant even describe what I'm seeing... just send everybody"

"Alright stay calm and stay by your car, help is on the way"

You look at the boys

"You think that's our guy?"

"Sounds like it might be"

You grab your bag and rush out to the car. 

——-fast forward——-

"There was a murder here and there's no cop cars, there's nobody... how does that look to you"


"Alright (Y/N) stay close ok? You never know what stunts he might pull"

You nod and you all begin walking towards the warehouse door.  Dean opens the door and the three of you rush in.  As soon as Dean closes the door, you notice you are no longer in your regular clothes and you no longer have your weapons.  You look around, you are in some type of hospital.  A nurse approaches you. 

"C'mon nurse (Y/L/N), you are needed to assist in a face transplant"

The nurse pulls you through the hall way until you run into Sam and Dean.  You hear Dean and you immediately begin moving in that direction. 

"... and that's Johnny drake... oh he's not even alive he's a ghost in the mind of... of her, the sexy but neurotic doctor over there"


"(Y/N)! Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, what's going on here?"

"Dean seems to think we are in "TV Land" specifically in his favorite show"

"Hey it's not my favorite show! But it is compelling.... oh boy"


Deans face turns pink as he looks down

"It's him it's doctor sexy"

You look down the hall to see an average size man with shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes walking towards you.  When he approaches he looks at Dean first. 



He looks at Sam. 



Dean stomps on Sam's foot"

"(Sigh)... Doctor"

Then he looks at you and he pauses for a moment. 

"Ahem, um, nurse"

He looks you up and down and smiles at you

"Nurse... I mean doctor!"

You cringe at yourself.  And you look down at the floor. 

———(gonna fast forward through this cause y'all already know the dialogue lol)———

"Yeah go ahead pal, cause we know what you are"

Suddenly everything stops moving.  You look at this so called "Doctor" and he forms into someone new.  His once brown eyes turn into a nice whiskey color, everything about him seemed to become lighter... including his personality. 

"You guys are getting better!"

"Where the hell are we"

"My own sets... my own actors... call it my own little idiot box"

———(time skip again cause u say nothing for awhile)———

"What are the rules!?"

The trickster does this sexy eyebrow moving that is playful yet seductive and... wait... did I just call him sexy!? When you finally come back from your thoughts you notice you aren't in the hospital anymore... you are now in a field of flowers while wearing a light yellow dress, knee high white socks, and black flats.  This isn't something you would usually wear but you don't have much of a choice right now.  You begin to look around for Sam and Dean. 

"It's ok (Y/N), you're safe here"

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Look the boys need to learn something and I'm going to tech them, but that's not your issue.  I can tell your tense so just relax ok? Sam and Dean will be fine, how about you just have some "me time"?"


The trickster then zaps out and you are stuck in a field of flowers. 


the trickster zaps out and Sam and I look at each other frustrated. 

"(Sigh), Alright well lets get out of here, (Y/N) lets go..... (Y/N)?"

———(sorry for all the time skips but basically they do what happens in the TV show while you chill in a field of flowers, Cas tries to get to you but he can't find you.  We shall now flash forward to the part where Sam and Dean have Gabe trapped and they are asking for Cas back)———

"So now what? Stare at eachother for eternity?"

"Well first you are going to bring Cas and (Y/N) back from wherever you stashed them"

"Oh am I?"

"Yeah, or we are going to dunk you in holy oil and reap fry ourselves an archangel"

"Look I'll make a del with you, you can have cas back but (Y/N) is mine"


"I mean just look at her" he bring up a little screen showing you walking calmly through the flower fields.  "She's so calm, and peaceful, and beautiful"

"You will bring them both back"

"You can't have them both!! (Deep breath) it's either Cas, or nothing"

"I don't think you heard me when I said we will dunk you in-"

"Holy oil and deep fry me, yeah, I know.  But if you kill me you will never get either of them back.  I would rather die than give up something so beautiful...... decide Cas or nothing?"




"Look Sam Cas is the best shot we have to getting (Y/N) back!" 

".... we'll take Cas"

Gabe smirks "good choice"



I've been wanting to write this one for while now.  Part 2?  should I add in the dialogue in place of the time skips? Please let me know!! Thank you ❤️

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