Clueless (Sam X Reader)

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Imagine you go on a hunt with Sam and Dean all the while you are constantly flirting with Sam. He doesn't get the hints so you eventually yell at him about your feelings

TW: swearing, kissing, injury

You have been hunting with the winchesters for awhile now, ever since they saved your ass during a hunt. Ever since then you have become very close to the Winchester brothers, especially Sam. You have had a huge crush on Sam for awhile now but Sam still didn't know, despite your obvious hints. I mean, how did he not know! Even Dean knew! You were starting to get frustrated at Sam, but you and Dean had a plan. Next hunt, Dean was going to do whatever he could to leave Sam alone with you, and during said alone time, you are going to rank up your flirting to 100%.

You snap out of your thoughts as you hear Sam say "hey guys I think I found something"

Finally. The plan was in action. Dean already had step one prepared. "Alright let's load up the car. Hey Sam, would you mind sitting in back? Last time I was driving I noticed the passenger seat was bouncing a lot, so I wanna look into that before anyone sits there"

"Ya sure"

You sighed a breathe, thankful that Sam didn't think anything suspicious was going on and you went to pack your bag for the hunt. You packed way more outfits than usual, you wanted to make sure that no matter what position you were put in, you still send Sam a message. Once you packed everything you hurried to the car, excited, yet nervous to go through with the first part of the plan. You hopped into the backseat next to Sam.

"Alright Sammy, fill us in on the case while we drive to..."

"SunPrairie, Wisconsin"


Dean turns around and begins driving while Sam explains the case.

"ok so basically there's been 3 people that have gone missing this week. So far, they've only found one of the missing persons and when they did an autopsy they found that someone or something had completely drained the vic's blood"

"So we're dealing with a vamp then" you look into Sam's eyes and you begin to blush when he looks into yours.

"sounds like it" you look away encouraging yourself to make a move.

"Well I'm gonna take a nap until we get there if that's ok?"

Sam gives you a nod and with that you lay against Sam, resting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. Sam seemed to tense up at first, as if he wasn't expecting you to lean on him, but he soon relaxed and allowed you to sleep against him.

You woke up to Sam lightly shaking you "hey, (Y/N) wake up. We're at the Motel"

Your eyes fluttered open, damnit. The best outcome would've been if Sam carried you inside so you could sneakily rest your hand on his bicep, but that didn't happen. You hop out of the car and grab your stuff ready to take your next chance.

While Sam was waking you up, Dean bought a room. Part two of the plan. The three of you walked into the room and found two beds.

Sam hesitated for a moment "um... Dean?"

"Yeah" dean acted as if nothing was wrong. Who knew he was actually a good actor?

"There's three of us"

"I know. The desk said this was all they had"

Sam looked over at you and you began to get excited. You hoped that he would ask to share a bed with you... instead Sam said "it's ok, I'll take the couch"

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