Truth or Dare (Cas X Reader)

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Imagine playing truth or dare with TFW

TW: Kissing, hickeys

You've been sitting in the library of the bunker for hours trying to find a case along with Sam, Dean and Cas. None of you have found anything and your pretty sure Dean is just playing games on his computer. You're bored so you decide to slam your computer shut and everyone looks at you surprised.

"I'm........ bored"

"As soon as we find a case we can get right to it (y/n)" Sam said looking back down at his computer.

"Oh come on! We haven't found anything and it's been hours... we should take a break" you say as you give Sam your best puppy dog eyes.

Dean jumps up from his seat "I'm in! How about a movie? I'll make popcorn"

"Actually, I had something in mind..." you smirk

Sam raises his head "alright fine. What do you wanna do?"

"Truth or dare" you couldn't hold back the devilish smile that crept onto your face. Ever since you were a teen you were great at truth or dare. It got to the point where nobody would play with you anymore because you always found a way to make them uncomfortable or share a big secret. Of course, the boys didn't know that, you stopped playing after highschool, but you kept your skill.

"(Y/N), are you sure?" Sam said with a devilish grin. You became confused there was no way that Sam could possibly be better than you at Truth or Dare unless... oh shit. Sam cocked an eyebrow and you blushed, you had completely forgot that you told Sam and Dean about your feelings for Cas. You didn't mean to tell them, it just kinda slipped up after a few drinks.

"I think it's a great idea! Who goes first?" Dean smiles and sits down. Shit. You know they would try to get you and cas to do something together, you just had to pick truth... or they could make you confess by asking who you liked.

"How does one play 'truth or dare'?" Cas cocks his head slightly. God he looked so cute when he was confused.

"Basically someone asks you 'truth or dare'. If you pick truth, you have to answer their question truthfully. If you pick dare, you have to do whatever they tell you to" Dean explained and you looked down, your face becoming red as you thought of everything those winchesters could make you and Cas do. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing? No, don't get your hopes up, it'll just hurt even more when he rejects you.

"I'll start" you turn and stare at Sam with a brave face hoping he will be intimidated and back down. "Truth or Dare?"


You hear Dean mutter "wuss" and you roll your eyes and think of a question. "What's your body count?"

You wait for a tint to appear on Sam's cheeks, but it doesn't and he responds without hesitation "nine, I think. My turn." He smirks and turns to Cas. "Cas, Truth or Dare?"

Oh no, if Sam wasn't intimidated by you, you had no clue what he was gonna make Cas do, you just hoped that Cas would pick truth.


Damnit! Your head shot towards Sam "I dare you to give (Y/N) a hickey" Sam looked at you and smirked. You felt your face get hot and you knew it was gonna be a long night

"Ok, I believe I've seen the Pizzaman do this before" Cas walks over to you and gestures toward your neck, "may I?"

"Um yeah" you tilt your head allowing him access to your neck. Cas didn't even hesitate as he bent down and sucked on the sensitive skin. Time seemed to slow down yet speed up at the same time. Dean could barely control his laughter as he saw you trying to hold back your moans.

Finally cas rose, "my turn, Dean, truth or dare?"

Dean stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "Uh, Dare"

"Text "I love you" to the last girl you hooked up with"

"Aw come on man!" You and Sam both started laughing as Dean took out his phone. You saw Dean type the message and then hesitate before hitting send. You and Sam tried to control your laughter but this game seemed to make you feel like a giddy teen again.

"You won't be laughing in a minute, cause it's my turn. (Y/N) truth... or dare?" He smirks as if he has something bad up his sleeve.

"Um... truth"

"Aw c'mon (Y/N) you hunt monsters and yet you're afraid of a dare?" Dean said staring into your eyes, but you held your ground.

"Not scared, just taking it slow"

"Fine. Do you like anyone?"

You took a deep breath to try and avoid the heat rising to your cheeks yet again, but you were still pretty sure they could see your embarrassment. "Uh, yes"


"That's two questions Dean, you can only ask one"

"What? Are you serious?" Dean seemed to be a bit upset that you foiled his plan.

"Deadly. Dean truth or dare?"


"I dare you to do my laundry for a week!"

"What! That's not fair!"

"All's fair in love and war" you immediately regretted saying that as Dean turned to Cas

"Cas, Truth or dare?"

"Dare" Cas responded almost immediately, he seemed to be getting excited about the game.

"I dare you... to play eleven minutes in heaven with (Y/N)" Dean smirked and looked at you

Your face froze, "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" you thought to yourself.

"I don't understand. I'm sure that going to heaven with (Y/N) right now would be a very bad idea" Cas did that cute little confused face again.

Sam said something for the first time in a while, "No, Cas, eleven minutes in heaven means you get locked in a closet with (Y/N) for eleven minutes"

"A closet barely seems similar to heaven... what are we supposed to do in there?"

Dean happily chimes in "anything! Well, normally people do fun, sexy things like make out and what not" there was a long pause "well! Let's get you two in there!"

Dean pushes you and Cas to an unused closet with a lock on the outside. "I'll come back in eleven minutes... or whenever I feel like" Dean gave you a cheeky smirk "here's a flashlight, just in case"

You take the flash light and turn it on as soon as Dean closes the door.

There is a long silent pause

"So" Cas finally says something "what should we do?"

"It's ok Cas, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to, they are just trying to make you uncomfortable"

"Do you want to?"

You froze. You didn't want to say no because then he might think you don't like him but you didn't want to say yes because he might reject you. You stood there for a while frozen.

"(Y/N) I know you like me"


"I'm an angel, I can sense these things. I feel how much you like me every time I heal you." You stand there silently waiting for the rejection. "I like you too, I just haven't found a good time to tell you until now"

He spins you toward him and passionately kisses you. You are shocked at first but soon you melt into the kiss. The kiss was passionate and slow, you felt like you could stay in this moment forever. And then the light hit you as Dean opened the closet door. You both looked at Dean and he smiled. "Sammy it worked!"


A/N: hey to anyone who reads this. Would if I started a new book where I wrote smut? I can't say I'm experienced in writing smut but I'm thinking about giving it a try. If you read this let me know pls!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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