Chapter 24: Luffy Vs. Doflamingo

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Xandria's POV

A loud groan escaped from my mouth when Doflamingo threw me on the ground real hard once we're back in David's mansion. The fight which I left with Sanji and Usopp is now outside the main doors just behind the gates. I also noticed that the whole mansion is encircled with tall steel walls so that the people in the town won't see what's happening inside.

I'm laying on the ground face first and I'm struggling to turn myself around since my hands are tied up with sea stone shackles behind my back. Just before I successfully turn, I felt Doflamingo's heel pressing against my heel, making me face the ground again. My cheek scraped hard on the ground as Doflamingo put more weight on me while twisting his foot occasionally. I can feel my cheek slit open and the metallic smell of my blood passed through my nose. 

Then I saw all of my comrades. They are all looking at me as they fight. Quite amazing right? But there are a lot of enemies. I'm not underestimating Luffy's crew but I can see that Doflamingo's and David's men are quite overpowered than us. 

I saw Sanji, completely imprisoned by Baby 5. His arms and legs are bleeding from Baby 5's attack but he's not fighting back since his opponent is a girl. His lips twitched up as he looked at me. I looked back with hopeful eyes and I noticed that he started to defend himself again. My gaze turned to Usopp and Nami. They are fighting together as usual. They have bruises and I saw blood running from Usopp's lips. Their eyes spelled worry so I gave them a smile as well which encouraged them to fight harder than before. 

Brook and Franky are fighting alongside. They're fighting with fury even though I saw how Franky's hair is slowly falling down from its style which means that he's nearly out of cola. I also heard Brook's bones cracked.

Then my eyes landed on Law and Luffy. 

"The thing I hate the most is when my nakama gets hurt." Luffy firmly stated and suddenly punched the ground so hard. It's impact made David's men and even the straw hats crew fly away from Luffy, Dofamingo and me. I can say that Doflamingo was quite surprised by his action because his weight upon his heel pressing on me lessened. Luffy stretched his arms and grabbed me by my waist, releasing me from Doflamingo. He threw me over where our comrades our which made me twitch in pain again. 

"Xandria-chan, you're bleeding too much." Nami said as she help me to stand up. Everyone is behind my back, still recovering from Luffy's attack earlier. 

"I wanna have a one on one duel with you, mingo!"  Luffy declared. He's really an idiot, isn't he? But he's still our captain so what his decision is, will be ours as well. Doflamingo gave him his signature laugh. They are both face to face in a distance, both looking intently at each other. David's men as well as David are pointing their weapons towards Luffy.  Huh, Luffy won't be affected by those. 

"Don't interfere with us, my dear subordinates. Take care of the remaining." Doflamingo said and upon his order, all the weapons of his subordinates pointed towards us. How am I suppose to fight when I'm  tied up? I saw one of the men with a key hanging on his belt. There's no harm in hoping that it is the key for this sea stone shackles. 

"Nami-san, you see that man with a long gun? He has the key for my shackles. It's hanging on his black leather belt. Please get it when I give you my signal." I told her and she nodded upon identifying who I'm talking about. My comrades are all getting ready for their attack.

They are already charging at us when I gave all of them my death glare, trying to send them chills. But even before they pull the triggers of their gun, they suddenly fell down without a cause. All of them are unconscious.

But wait, not that I'm assuming but I gave them a glare.


I looked around me especially my comrades. They have the same confused look as I have on my face. But now isn't the time for wondering, we have to get out. 

"Nami-san, please get the key." I pleaded which she immediately followed. 

Luffy's POV

This mingo. How dare he step on Xandria?!  But I wonder where Zoro, Robin, Chopper and Who's the other one, is it  nelia? or Camila? 

"Seems like someone got Conqueror's Haki just like you, mugiwara."  Mingo stated. I saw how Xandria have acted earlier and there's no doubt that that is conqueror's haki. However, it needs a lot of practice. It's not a skill that suddenly pops out. 

But I don't care, Xandria was awesooooooome! Come to think of it, if Xandria will have a bounty then the crew's total bounty will raise higher. This thought made me smile in my mind. I'm so excited to see our bounty go up!!!!  

"Oi, Mugiwara!" Mingo shouted at me. I snapped back to reality. I forgot that I just asked for a duel with Mingo. This duel should be enough to buy time for Law and the others to escape from this mansion.  Before I knew it, Mingo already has his foot kicking my right cheek.  I was sent flying to the other side, slamming on the wall. 

"Luffy!" I heard Xandria scream. I noticed that she's free from her sea stone shackles. She was trying to go towrads me but Tra-guy stopped her. 

"Don't interfere. This is my fight, not yours." I told her as I recover, standing up. I wiped the blood rushing down from my lips with the back of my hand. I prepared my arms for my attack. 

"Gear Second." I said as I let my blood flow in my veins faster than before, steam escaping from my skin. Doflamingo gave me a smirk while I returned a glare at him. 

"Gomu Gomu no Riffle!" I shouted as I aim at him, but he was too fast. He still managed to dodge my attack despite of my fast movement. He's running randomly which make it hard for me to aim. 

"Gomu Gomu no Bazooka!" I shouted but it was still a fail. I continuously gave him desperate attacks. My speed is getting slower and slower than my last attack. I stopped for a while and at last, I thought about my big attack that will definitely knock him down. But even before I can move, I felt two consecutive fists punch me hard. One at my left cheek and one at my stomach. The pain made me cough blood twice. I'm not supposed to be affected by a mere punch unless this Mingo has haki. 

"I can't let this happen, Luffy." Xandria told me firmly as she give me a sympathetic gaze. 

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