harry potter au: opposites attract | f.h.

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[author's note: if i forgot to mention this; five is a slytherin & the reader's a hufflepuff]

"The dinner was lovely! I loved meeting you! Thank you for having us! Bye!" Five says with a gleeful smile and waves goodbye.

The front door shuts.

"I fucking hate how your parents are Gryffindor," Five said as he took off all his red and gold clothing. Leaving him with his green and sliver colored t-shirt, "Let's go."

"Feeling mutual," you said as you took his hand to apparate to the Hargreeves mansion.

It was Christmas break, you were staying with them for the holidays. You and Five visited your parents, for a Christmas dinner. As per your parents request.

Apparating in the kitchen, you shake off your dizziness. Grabbing some bread, peanut butter, and marshmallows. You took your wand out of your pocket, making it easier for you to move around. Holding your wand in your mouth, as you held it with your teeth.

Hearing Five grimance in disgust, you turn to him. "You know, you could chip your wand doing that," he says. Taking your wand from your mouth.

You roll your eyes, "Newt Scamander did it all the time. I don't see how this is any different."

Five chuckles, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Well, he was taking care of magical creatures. Some which were death threatening, he needed his wand at the ready. While you," he nipped your nose, "are making sandwiches."

You turn to him, huffing out a breath. "I, for one, am dealing with a magical creature. One that is far more dangerous than any witch or wizard has ever faced!"

Smirking, Five raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah! I'm dealing with you, aren't I? You're as foul as any beast! Far more dangerous than any man has discovered!"

You let out a shriek. Five started to tickle you. Saying, "Take that back!"

You try to push him away, only resulting in him tickling you even more. You laugh harder, "No! Please! I yield! I yield!"

"Aww! How cute! I didn't know mean ol' Five could be such a softie!"

You both turn your heads to see Klaus.

Five took the knife, you were using for the peanut butter. Launching it at Klaus, it managed to hit the mug he was holding.

"God damn it, Five! That was a favorite mug!" Taking his wand out, Klaus casted a spell to fix his mug. The knife Five threw landing on the table.

Klaus left the kitchen muttering, "Jesus fucking Christ."

You continue making the sandwiches, once you were done Five had apparated you two to the living room.

"You have got to stop doing that," you mumble. Holding your head in your hand.

Five just shrugs, "Hey, I just don't understand why you don't do it often. It's easier than just walking." He pulled you to the couch, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around the two of you.

You pinch his cheeks, "It's because it makes me dizzy beyond belief."

He takes that hand you were using to pinch his cheeks. Intertwining it with his, "You have to get used to it. What if you're hurt and you need to apparate away?"

You squeeze his hand, "I have you. I'll be damned, if you didn't try to do everything in your power to try and save me. Besides, I have a few spells up my sleeve."

"Really? What are they?"

Getting up from the couch, you say, "I'll show you."

Five gets up quickly, slowly pushing you back down on the couch. "Alright, no need to show me. Don't want anyone else shitting lemons, like last time."

"That Gryffindor deserved it. He talked shit about Hufflepuff. He deserved to shit out lemons for a month." You reply back. Letting him settle you down on the couch.

Five puts the blanket on you two again. "Just tell me about it, (Y/N)."

"Well, one of the defense spells I know are confundus. It leaves your victims-"

Five cut you off asking, "Confused?"

"Yeah," you say, cuddling closer to him. Five brought his hand to your head. He listened to you talk, as he played with your hair. "Like, what if you have a large opponent? After you knock their wand, they could easily punch you into a pulp. Off hand, Hogwarts should have a fitness class. I mean, come on, you could easily snap any 7th year Gryffindor in half. Like, no matter how many spells you know. The second you're wand is gone, poof! You're a goner, Malfoy is a good example of that."

"Tell me about it, Malfoy was being prissy for 2 whole weeks about his arm injury," Five scoffed. "And don't get me started on the time Granger punched him. That whole month he was all, 'oh, my poor nose' and 'my face it's ruined!'

You giggle at his posh British accent, "Oh, please. That doesn't sound like Malfoy at all! He's like 'potter! you will regret not accepting my handshake!' It's all in the Potter. Also, you sir," you point a finger at his chest. "Should not be saying anything about Malfoy. You acted just like him in first year, all posh and acting as if you're better than everyone."

Five smiled, taking your finger away from his chest. "Sure, maybe I was. But that was before I met a clumsy, beautiful, and intelligent hufflepuff."

You give him a peck on the cheek, "Aww, you're so sweet, Five. Klaus was right, you did turn into a big softie."

Five scrunches up his nose, "Don't ever say that again."

"What? That Klaus was right?"

"Yes," Five shivers. "Klaus was-, yeah no. Can't say it."

You nudge him with your shoulder, "Oh, shut up, you prick."

Five gives you a grin, leaning down and capturing you in a kiss.

"Love you," you mutter into his lips.

Pulling back, Five smirks at you. "I'm sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you."

You roll your eyes, "Just say it back, asshole." Frowning when he doesn't say it back, but leans towards you again. Blocking his lips with your hand, saying, "You gotta say it back, Five."

He takes you hand away, leaning his forehead to yours. "I love you too, (Y/N). Better?" His eyes turn to yours, as he looks at you through his eyelashes.

"Better," you dive towards him. Closing the space between you two.

"Really? On the couch?"

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