siblings approval | n.h.

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"I feel like your siblings don't like me."

Nicky turns to look at you. A confused expression on his face. "What? They do like you."

You two were cuddled up on the couch. A movie, that Nicky picked out, was playing on the screen.

Pouting, you look up at him. "I don't know. I think it's just that I want to get to know them more. They all just seem to be like, 'oh hey, (Y/N)'s here,' you know?"

He frowns, fingers distractedly twirling around your hair. "No, I don't know. What are you getting at?"

Huffing, you shift your body. Turning it so your facing him, instead of the screen. "Most movies and tv shows have characters, who are close to their boyfriend's siblings."

Nicky tucks a stray hair, behind your ear. "But, that's movies and tv. I don't think I know anyone in real life who's actually close to their boyfriend's siblings."

You bury your head in the crook of his neck. "Still, I want to get to know them more," you whine. Your sentence muffled, by his neck.

"You could always just talk to them?" Nicky suggests. He jumps, when you get up quickly.

"I have the perfect idea!" You yell, eyes twinkling with confidence.

Nicky raised an eyebrow, "You said that last time. It ended with us having to clean up the store."

You smile at him. Pinching his cheeks, lightly. "Trust me, this is a fool-proof plan."

He scrunches up his nose, pushing your hands away with a chuckle. "You also said that last time."

Rolling your eyes, you push him up to his feet. "This plan is much better than my plans before. No way this could go wrong."

"You said that-" Nicky gets cut off.

Your hand on his mouth, "And don't say, 'you said that last time.' It will work." After, you move your hand away to kiss him. A small delicate peck on his lips.

Nicky just smiles. Accepting the kiss from you, "I'll bend, what's this plan of yours?"

Winking at him, you make your way to the front door. "You'll see tomorrow!" The door shuts.

Glancing down, Nicky exhales. A love struck look sketching itself on his face.

A few seconds later, you open the door again. Turning to look, Nicky sends you a confused smile.

"I forgot to say bye." You mumbled. "Bye! Love you!"

"I love you too!" Nicky yells out, as you close the door.

Tomorrow's gonna be a wild day.

A bundle of books were in your hands, when you knocked on the Harper's front door.

You didn't know who, but someone opened the door. Making your way slowly inside, books covering your view.

You assume it was Nicky, who opens the door. Because he grabs a couple books from your hands and sets them on the coffee table.

Shutting the door, Nicky asks, "Why are you carrying that many books? You're gonna get some serious back pain, if you keep doing that."

Greeting him with a kiss. You respond, "It's part of my plan!"

"Remind me a what your plan is for, again," Nicky says.

Smiling, you reply. "It's to get to know your siblings more! You know, for them to like me and all that. I don't want them hating me."

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