detroit become human au: partners (pt. 1) | f.h.

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a/n: this is an au of the game detroit: become human. essentially an android five au. p.s, idk if you'll be able to understand some things, if you don't know the game. ]

It's been months since Markus' peaceful protests. The world had come to terms with equal rights for deviants and androids.

You were surprised how the department changed over those few months.

"Goddamn it, the coffee machine isn't working again!"

Rolling your eyes, you arch a brow. "Gavin, you're the only one using that thing. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours."

He huffs, hitting the machine again. Cursing when it still doesn't work.

"Well, what did you expect? You literally just hit it." You laugh, watching as Gavin desperately tries to turn it on and off.

What an idiot.

Loud footsteps were heard entering the break room. "Detective Reed? Do you acquire any assistant?" Nines said.

He was one of the androids Cyberlife sent to the Detroit police department. A carbon copy of Conner, but "better." Nines was sent to be Gavin's partner. Help him and aid him, just like Connor with Hank.

"No, fuck off." Gavin wasn't too happy about the new recent partnership. But, you could tell he was warming up to Nines.

Leaving the kitchen, you let them converse on their own. 

You let out a breath, when you sat down. Looking at your screen, it showed hundreds of unsolved cases. The division you were situated in was for missing persons and androids.

Since the freewill of androids were given, the station was heavily understaffed. Usual android cops off somewhere else. They weren't obliged to still be working in the police department, they could live out their own lives. And that's what they did.

Dean, your past partner, decided he had dealt enough of police work. The absence of a partner, left you doing double shifts. 

Aimlessly scrolling through cases, you rested your head in your hand. Propping an elbow on the table. You started to blink slowly, a yawn escaping.

"(Y/N)!" Captain Fowler yelled.

You shot up, shaking your drowsiness away. "Yeah, right away, sir." Getting up, you make your way to Fowler's office. Making sure to throw a middle finger at Gavin, who snickered. 

In his office, a guy who was very clean cut, brandished a well-known Cyberlife jacket, standing next to Fowler's desk. He had dark brown hair and bright eyes. You eye the strange guy curiously. Catching the blue LED on the side of his face. 

An android?

"Uh, Fowler, what's this about?"

You see your boss, look through yellow manila folders. "Since, Dean left you've been stuck with working multiple shifts. And we're completely over-worked, because of the under staffing here. Cyberlife was kind enough to send us this android, a RK500 model."

A confused expression sketched it's way towards your face. "A RK500? Isn't that a downgrade to a RK800, like Connor? Or a RK900, like Nines?"

He didn't look anything like Nines and Connor.

Fowler shrugs, "Just be lucky, you now have a partner. He's tasks to help with cases and work with you. Cyberlife said he wasn't like his other RK models."

"What do you mean by that?" You ask.

Putting away the folders, Fowler shakes his head slightly. "I don't know, I'm not the one who programmed him." He glances up at you, "That's all (Y/N). Take the android with you, when you leave."

You get up from the chair, leaving the office. The RK500 follows right behind you. Heading back to your desk, you decided to make small talk. 

"So, what do you do?" You ask the android.

He answers with pose and assertiveness. "I'm a RK500 model, serial number 313 205 889 - 07. Tasked to solve missing android and human cases. My mission is to help Officer (Y/N) in any way I can. Priority is to protect you at all costs."

Crossing your arms over your chest, you huff, "I don't need to be protected." 

"That may be true, but you getting injured will decrease chances of finishing my task quickly and sufficiently." 

Rolling your eyes, you fall back into your desk chair. Placing your feet on top of the desk, "What makes you different to your other models?"

The android stays still, standing straight and tall. "Unlike, my other predecessors, I'm able to adapt to my current partners. Instead of learning human adaptations, I have them built into my program. It's to make me more 'human.' Such reason makes me look younger, around your same age."

"That's all great, but what's your name, dude?" You spin around in your chair to look at the android. Their LED flashing a quick yellow, then back to cool blue.

His eyebrows twitch, you assume he's trying to calculate the best answer to give you. "Five."

You smile, raising a brow. "Now, is that a name you gave yourself or just a bland one given by Cyberlife?" 

The thought of seeing if this android had any creativity at all or was just another 'obedient machine' interested you. The yellow, indicating that he was thinking, flashed longer this time. You wanted to know what was different about him. Maybe, testing him was the way to do it.

"I named it myself," Five stated. Once said, he received the message of a change in his program. 

Software Instability ^

Grinning, you point towards the empty desk in front of yours. "That one's my ex-partners, he resigned a few months ago. It's all yours if you want."

Five glances at the desk, sitting down in one fluid motion. "Thank you."

"No problem, man."

The RK500 Model, newly named Five, tilts it's head in your direction. Watching with calculated eyes, as you began typing idly away on your desktop. Million things are running through it's mind, but one single thought is perceived and noted.

How peculiar. You were definitely an interesting character to be partnered up with.

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