rumors | a.g.

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[a/n: requested by lindaisreadin9 , based on the song rumors (feat. zayn) by sabrina claudio]

rumors are nothing, but the lie of a truth.

The current buzz of your phone was certainly a distraction from your movie marathon.

Ever since, you posted that picture of you and Aidan, you've been getting a crazy amount of notifications.

You had bumped into him at a quaint cafe, in Toronto. Being a fan of The Umbrella Academy, you asked if you could take a picture with him. He was kind and let you.

Then, you and him parted ways.

Posting the picture, you didn't think much of it. A decent social media following. The couple of acting gigs you've done, caused you to have fans. It wasn't anything major.

It was only a week after you met Aidan and you've gained a lot more followers.

You assumed the attention was just from the picture. Media did that. Talked about a topic for a few weeks, only to forget about it.

A fan DMed you about what everyone was going bonkers about. Apparently, Aidan posted a picture of you from your most recent acting role. Saying, that he watched the movie and thought you were amazing in it.

The compliment was enough to make the butterflies in your stomach flutter. Commenting on the post, you typed a thank you. Adding a small heart with the thanks.

Your small reply became an example of the butterfly effect.

First, fans started with simple asks of:

"are you guys dating?"

"cuties! relationship goals!"

"you'd be such a great couple!"

"lol aidan, did you dump delores for (y/n)?"

It wasn't out of the ordinary. Fans asked you things like that all the time. It was when media had caught hold of the thread, that you started to think much more of it.

"Is Aidan Gallagher Dating (Y/N)?"

"Two Potential Lovebirds?"

"Fans Caught The Two Actors On A Date!"

Clicking on the last article, your curiosity was peaked. Besides, the picture you took with Aidan. That was the only time, you've seen him in real life.

As you scrolled through the article, you assumed correct. It was nothing, but a photoshopped picture. A good one, but a fake nonetheless.

You really didn't want to cause any drama, so you didn't report or say anything against the article. Besides, people thinking Aidan and you were dating wasn't that bad.

Could be worse.


2 months later, the hype still wasn't gone.

In fact, there were more rumors than ever. Mostly fans DMing you or commenting about Aidan. Things he'd say about you in livestreams or tweets.

Nothing bad. They were usually compliments.

You weren't annoyed. Aidan's not that bad of a dude. It helped that he was cute and attractive.

In all honesty, you'd love to meet him again.

It seemed like you got the chance to, because you stumbled upon him at a party.


The guy in question turns around. He was wearing a black tux, with a dark blue trim on the coat sides. Aidan's hair was slicked back, an exception of a loose strand. Which, was laid curly on his forehead. 

He answers with a smile, "Hey, (Y/N)! It's nice to see you here."

Leaning against the island table of the bar, you return the smile. "I could say the same for you. But, it seems like you've been talking about me. Not that I mind, though." You send him a wink.

Surprisingly enough, Aidan laughs. A slight blush on his cheeks. But, it could be from the drink in his hand, as well. "Yeah, that. Listen, I didn't mean to come off as too forward. I really admire your work."

"As do I, with yours." 

He continues, a look of nervousness on his face. "In the livestream, when I said-"

"You liked my smile?" You cut in, grinning.

Aidan nods. "Yeah, along with-"

"My confidence and style?"

"Yeah." You see him rub at his neck, chuckling. "I'm sorry, if it made you feel uncomfortable of any sort." He rambled.

You stop him, nudging him with your arm, which got his attention. "Don't be sorry. Like I said, I don't mind. There are other things we might need to address, though."

He raises a brow.

"These rumors about you and me." 

"What? You wanna make them a reality?"

During the conversation, the two of you were inching closer towards each other. Barely three inches apart. Your eyes bounced between his mouth and his eyes. Licking your lips, before replying, "Maybe."

Call yourself crazy, but you really liked Aidan. Sure, the only time you've talked was here and the cafe. In between, those two times were comments replying on each other's post, and talking about the other in livestreams or tweets. There was clear chemistry and heavy sexual tension lingering.

Taking the chance, you closed the gap. Lips touching his. It was only a few seconds, until Aidan kissed back. His hands finding the small or your back, as you held a grip on his hair. Fingers cascading through his locks.

The kiss only ending, because of a bright flash and a snap of a camera. Blinking away the sudden light, you watch as the photographer almost giddy as they walk away. 

"That's gonna be fun to see every time I open my social media." Aidan sarcastically says. "God, it's gonna be the new Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello video."

You loop an arm around his, "Brighten up. Besides, I heard a rumor someone wanted to hold my hand? And maybe more?"

Aidan chuckles, letting you lead him out of the party. "Definitely more." 

sorry this is like hella late & short. i've been procrastinating.

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