criminal pt. 3 | f.h.

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Dang, maybe you both were crazy for feeling this way towards each other?

You shake off that feeling. What was this? A cliché love story? No, this was real life. Where love at first sight doesn't exist, soulmates were only in fan-fictions, and love doesn't always last.

If it doesn't exist, someone explain why you were feeling this way towards him.

When he spatial jumped you home, (or as you call it 'weird Harry Potter shit,'). When his touch lingered a little too long on your arm. When he spared you a glance, saying a soft "Good night." When you felt the beating of your heart, as he left.

You knew that it wasn't going to be the last time, you saw him.

It appeared that you were right.

Five stopped by Griddy's more often. A smile on your face, when you heard him ask Agnes, "Is she here?"

She looks at him, an eyebrow raised. "Is who here?"

You walk out of the kitchens. Pushing the doors open.

"Five!" You smile at him.

"(Y/N)!" He pauses, clearing his throat. "(Y/N), hey." Five said, in a deeper voice.

Agnes just shakes her head. Leaving to serve the next customer, as she muttered, "Young love."

Laughing, you mess up his hair. "Nice to see you, Hargreeves. Black coffee again, I assume?"

"Yes, please."

You get a mug, starting to make the black coffee. "Not saying I don't love seeing you, but you've been going here quite often. Miss me that much, Five?" A teasing glint in your eye, when you look at him.

He scoffs. "No, why would I-. Just no. I'm here for the coffee. Obviously."

"Our coffee's shit. You've said it yourself," you roll your eyes.

"Clearly it's not that bad. You aren't the reason I always come here."

Was Five always this stubborn? You felt bad for his siblings. "Alright, whatever you say, casanova."

Even when Five leaves, a smile was still branded on your face. Through customers with a horrible attitude, babies crying non-stop, and washing the dishes. The smile never left your face.

Five was watching you. He didn't want to be creepy. Honest. But, you drew him in. Like a moth to a light. There was something intriguing about you and he was determined to find out what it was.

From the fire escape, Five watched as you made your way back to your apartment.

He felt uneasy, when he saw a drunk guy start making his way towards you.

Drunk guy starts to eye you, glancing up and down your body. It disgusted Five. He wanted to blow the guy's brains out.

Calming himself down, Five didn't want to interfere unless he needed to. God only knows what your reaction would be if you knew Five was following you.

The guy grabs your arms, pulling you into an alleyway. "Hey, let go of me! Fucking dickhead!" You try to push the guy away. But, to have no avail, because the drunk backs you into a wall.

Alright, maybe Five has more of a short-temper than he thought. Because, when the guy touches your arm, Five swears that he sees red.

"Listen, dude. Can you just back off? I had enough experiences in an alleyway as it is," Five hears you say.

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