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As it started to rain, Stevie and I got settled into a guest room that Asha arranged for us. It had a huge master's bed fit for a king and a panoramic view of the city.

Stevie was looking forward to our stay. We were finally going to get some alone time without any interruptions. She already had an idea on how to spend our night together, but I was preoccupied. My mind was on the motive behind Asha's assassination. Pondering on the balcony, I knew that the Empress' death would have chaotic consequences among the Empire. However, I believed there was more to it. I just could not determine what it was.

Stevie respected me, but sometimes felt I was too devoted to my duties. Feeling that I needed a break, she decided to try and get Me to relax with a bit of encouragement.

As I continued to think out loud, Stevie made some adjustments to her hair and uniform, making herself more attractive. Then after spraying on enough perfume, she sneaked quietly up to Me.

I did not notice but quickly picked up the scent of her perfume.

"You noticed my perfume?" she flirted casually "It's just something I just splash on when I don't care what I smell like."

I had never seen this side of Stevie before and it was making Me a little uncomfortable.

"Uh, what are you doing?" "Trying to get you to relax. We've been trying to get some alone time, and when we finally get it you choose to waste it on work."

Stevie begged Me for once to just forget about our duties and relax. Towing me to bed by the tie, though reluctant, I eventually gave in.

She gently laid me down on the bed and sat on top of Me. Playing with her hair, she asked if I was relaxed now that I was lying down. I admitted I was comfortable. So, to get Me fully relaxed, she tossed My hat away so she could kiss Me.

Resting on my chest, she felt that everything was perfect. We both loved each other very much and would not want anything to get in the way of it.

As we started to enjoy themselves, my communicator began to beep. I was going to answer it, but Stevie got to it first and cut off whoever was calling. She then left it on the floor and went back to kissing me.

The communicator started beeping again. Stevie plead for me to ignore it. I tried to, but the more it beeped the more I wanted to answer it. In the end I did, much to Stevie's disappointment.

It was Jennifer calling. She had been trying to reach me for hours but kept getting cut off for some reason. I quickly figured out why I never heard my communicator in the first place but decided not to get into the matter. Instead I said I forgot to charge my communicator, and then asked what was up.

Jennifer was calling because they finished analysing the energy readings, they got from the cyborg Rodin, and after a few comparisons they got a match. The energy source that blew him up was Vitronium, a crystallised compound that could amplify energy to a dangerous level.

According to their studies, Vitronium research was banned by the Empire because of how unpredictable their energy amplification properties were.

I found this quite disturbing, but something did not make sense. All known Vitronium sources had been destroyed by the Empire, and yet these cyborg Rodins had some implanted in their bodies.

I then asked if they found out anything about Alucard. Jennifer said they were only able to get a partial account of his military record. Before becoming the Secretary of Defence, he was a high-ranking commander who fought several major engagements during the galactic war, all successful. Beyond that they knew nothing.

When I asked about Xu Hun, Jennifer said they were unable to find anything. They went through dozens of Federation records and no matter how hard they tried they could not find anything on a person named Xu Hun. It was as if he never existed. However, what that cyborg said was clear this Xu Hun was real.

"Maybe Asha could shed some light on this subject." I suggested "Perhaps she can." agreed Jennifer, and before signing off she added... "Let me know what you find out."

If what Jennifer said was true, then there was a strong chance that Asha was in much greater danger than we thought.

Stevie was upset because I was no longer in the mood.

"If she is still in danger, I'm sure the Empire will do everything in their power to protect her..." "Well if they can protect her, then what are we doing here?"

Stevie thought we were supposed to be having fun on behalf of the Empress. I found nothing fun about looking like a bunch of stupid kids.

"We are cadets training to serve the Galactic Federation. We don't mess around, we don't make mistakes, and we don't have time for...for this."

Hurt by my words, Stevie asked me if being Starfleet officers was the only thing we were destined to be. Weren't we capable of nothing else? Couldn't we not for a moment be something more?

She tried to draw him closer, but I pulled away, saying there was nothing more.

"An officer of Starfleet is what I am to become, and if you don't like it..." "Jonathan, I like it more than you'll ever know." and feeling heartbroken, Stevie left me, shedding tears.

Cadets: The Empress of BatoriaWhere stories live. Discover now