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I sit alone in my cave, mourning. I already have all the supplies I need. Since food goes away fast, I decide to go hunting. Unfortunately, the only weapon I know how to use is the pickaxe and the knife, which I both have, but are no good doing hunting. As I hold my knife, I have a flashback.

Kaze's Flashback

The gong sounds, and everyone runs from their starting places. Kaze picks out a big backpack and so does his district partner, Pyris. Just as Pyris picks her backpack, a spear flies by, nearly slicing Kaze’s ear off. Juno is right behind them, trying to launch spears through their bodies. Electris, the boy from District 3, is also running in the same direction as them. A spear should’ve skewered Pyris through the back, but Electris pushes Pyris to the ground, but in the process his jacket is pinned to a tree. Kaze tells Pyris to keep running, so he can help unpin Electris’ jacket. Juno is advancing, and Electris tells Kaze to stop.

“Take this knife and my supplies,” Electris tells Kaze. “Use these to help her.”

Kaze tearfully nods. Electris says, “Don’t look back. Hope you can win, because I won’t be seeing you again.”

Kaze holds Electris’ hand, gives it a handshake, and runs away from the scene.

Later, when the bodies are collected, Electris has a knife through his chest, his eyes are open and he’s smiling.


My flashback is over, and I realize I never knew the boy’s name. He was about the same age as Pyris, about 15. I feel a hole in my heart and I decide to also look for his district partner.

I set out from my cave, and I see a rabbit hopping around. I look at my knife, and then I launch my knife at it.

The rabbit gets so scared that it hops right into a snare, and my knife pierces the ground.

I hear footsteps, so I dive behind a bush, suspecting that it was the Careers. A voice laughs.

“Finally got some food!” she exclaims. I can tell by the voice. But I also realize the voice belongs to none of the Careers.

So, I peek over the bush, and I see a girl was black hair and ashen skin. She’s about 16, and looks remarkably like the 3 boy. Then I realize it. It’s her, his district partner!

I try to make a plan to approach her, but she must have sensitive hearing and so she looks at my hiding place, and I duck. She approaches my bush, and then peeks in and sees me. The next thing I know is that I have a golden arrow aimed at my throat.

“Why are you here?” She questions me angrily.

“Uh, I just wanted to ask you some questions,” I reply nervously.

“About what, like ‘May I please have something?’ or ‘Would you like to join our Career alliance?’? If that is your question, you’re dead.”

“No, I just wanted to ask you if your district partner is dead.”

“That’s offensive. Of course he is.”

“Is-I mean was-Was he about 15?”

“Yeah, he was. He had a crush on this District 12 girl.”

I blink, and I say “Well, this boy about 15 saved my district partner from the Careers, but he got pinned to a tree and asked me to protect her and gave me his knife and supplies.”

She looks at me, and asks, “Are you from 12, then?” She lowers her bow.

“Yes, I am,” I reply.

“May I have the knife?”

“Sure,” I say. I hand her the knife.

I suspect she’s just going to stab the thing through me, but she closely inspects the handle.

“Did you notice these markings?” she asks. “Because they say ‘I love you, Pyris.-The District 3 boy.’”

I look at the handle, and they’re marked in some code, and I remember. It’s this ancient code using dots and dashes; I remember Pyris loved studying it.

“No, but my partner likes studying the code.”

She throws her weapons on the ground, and she says, “Then what is your main question?” she asks.

“It’s, um, I was asking what his name was.”

“His name was Electris,” she answers. Saying this brings tears to her eyes. “Now go. I need to find more food.”

I head back for my cave, but I turn around.

“You know, I have lots of food,” I tell her.

She faces me, and I notice there’s a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Mind if you share with me?” she asks.

I nod, and I know we have sealed an alliance.

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