Caesar Flickerman's Interviews: Part 1: Districts 2,3,4, and 5

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Television Records of the 22nd Hunger Games: Interviews of Tributes' Families. Copyright of the Capitol of Panem.

Caesar: Welcome to the interviews! I’m your host, Caesar Flickerman, and right now we’ll be interviewing the survivors of the Games so far!

          Audience: *claps and cheers*

          Caesar: First up, we have the parents of Juno Faberio, female tribute of District 2!

          Audience: *claps*

          *a hulking man of muscle and a large woman approach the stage*

Caesar: Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Faberio! What do you think of your child’s performance, so far?

Mr. Jason Faberio: She’s doing OK, I guess…

Mrs. Zena Faberio: OK?! She’s the last Career left!

Caesar: You’ve got a point, miss! Two were killed within the first two days, one betrayed, and the rest got flooded to death!

Audience: *laughs*

Caesar: So, what would you say is your child’s greatest strength?

Mr. Faberio: She’s exceptional at throwing spears! By God, she could send a spear into you, Caesar, from the arena!

Caesar: *astonished face* I’m being murdered?!

Audience: *laughter*

*buzzer rings*

Caesar: Ah, well, that’s the end! I wish luck to your daughter, Juno Faberio!

Audience: *applause and cheers*

Caesar: Time to move on! The parents and brother of Amber Broeing, please come to the stage!

*family approaches the stage*

Caesar: Hello, Broeing family! How’s your day?

Mr. Jonathan Broeing: …I’ll just say worried…

Nathan Broeing: Shocking.

Caesar: Literally!

Audience: *laughs*

Mrs. Sarah Broeing: We’re just worried about her survival.

Caesar: You mean the flood?

Nathan: *nods* She barely survived it.

Mr. Broeing: Thank god, she’s one of the last seven.

Caesar: *laughs* I do! She’s good at surviving starvation, right?

Mrs. Broeing: Yes.

Caesar: Also, once she gets a bow and arrows, her odds are just about ten to one!

Nathan: Yes, once her leg heals.

Caesar: Believe me; she’ll have so many sponsors that the arena will be flooded with her gifts!

Audience: *laughs*

*buzzer sounds*

Caesar: I’m sorry, Broeing family. Our time is up. I hope that the odds lie in yours and Amber Broeing’s favor!

Audience: *gives a standing ovation*

Caesar: Next, we have the mother and sister of Sedone Terought!

*a woman and girl with fairly square shoulders approach the stage*

Caesar: Hello, Mrs. Terought! How are you?

Mrs. Annette Terought: I’m fine, thank you.

Caesar: *looks at girl with kindness*

What is your name, honey?

Joyce Terought: My name is Joyce, Mr. Flickerman.

Audience: “Aww!”

Caesar: Joyce, you are a real sweetheart, aren’t you?

Joyce Terought: *nods*

Audience: *chuckles*

Caesar: Where is your daddy?

Joyce: *frowns* His ship sank.

Audience: *cries with horror*

Caesar: I’m very sorry, Joyce. Do you have any wishes for your brother?

Joyce: *grins* I want him to win!

Audience: *laughs*

Caesar: Well, I think he will!

*buzzer sounds*

Caesar: Sorry, Joyce, it’s time for you and your mommy to go. May your brother, Sedone Terought, win!

Audience: *applause*

Caesar: Next, we have the father of Ediro Agane!

Audience: *applause*

*man walks onto stage*

Caesar: Hello, Mr. Agane! May I ask where your wife is?

Mr. Geoffrey Agane: She’s at work, so I’m afraid that she can’t come.

Caesar: Oh. Sorry, sir.

Mr. Agane: It’s fine.

Caesar: *clears throat* Do you think Ediro is doing well?

Mr. Agane: Well, I am happy that he survived that horrible flood. I was busy when the flood occurred, so do you remember how he survived?

Caesar: He got a head start on it, and climbed a tree. He got himself a few bruises from doing that.

Mr. Agane: I, myself, believe that he was lucky that he didn’t climb it and the branch broke, like the girls. Ediro is quite heavy, about one hundred and fifty, I think.

Caesar: I’m heavier than him?! *worried face* I must check my weight again, and start losing weight!

          Audience: *laughs*

          Caesar: Do you have any wishes for Ediro?

          Mr. Agane: My only wish is for to survive these Games and come home safely.

          *buzzer sounds*

          Caesar: I’m afraid out time is up, Mr. Agane. I do hope the Gamemakers can grant your wish. Have a nice day, and may the odds be in your favor!

          Audience: *applause and cheers for Ediro*

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