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Loveday had come to Maria's room early that morning. Maria was surprised to see Loveday in such traditional De Noir fashion as it clashed with her usually bright and flowing dresses that she left for Maria. Loveday had dressed Maria in a long, dark dress and proceeded to brush Maria's hair, lost in her own world of thoughts.

It had been several days since Robin's disappearance and there was a ceremony to be held at the De Noir castle in his honor. Coeur De Noir had insisted that Loveday attend. At Benjamin's suggestion of the whole manor joining, she agreed.

With Maria's hair secured by a ribbon, Loveday left the room quietly. Maria slipped out behind her, following her down the stairs at a distance. It was clear that Loveday was devastated. While Maria had a strong sense that Robin wasn't gone, it still pained her heart to think of what Moonacre might become without him. What the forest would become without him.

Loveday wandered about the halls, heading towards the piano room. Benjamin busied himself with aiding Digweed in hooking up the carriage. All the morning preparations left enough time for Maria to slip into her uncle's study without being noticed. As the door clicked shut, she let out the breath she had been holding.

Knowing she didn't have long, she glanced over the books strewn about the large, weathered desk. There were papers scattered around and sticking out of corners of books with little notes scratched out on them. But no matter how much she read, none of it seemed to connect.

"Trail seems to end, doesn't it?" Marmaduke Scarlet's voice caused Maria to jump.

"You frightened me." Maria breathed, putting down the book she had been glancing over.

"My apologies, Little Princess." Marmaduke bowed before watering the flowers Loveday had in the study, "Although, it does seem rather odd, doesn't it? Almost as if there were a missing piece to this puzzle. Something only someone ordinary might happen to overlook."

Marmaduke placed his watering can down carefully as he smiled his always knowledgeable smile. The man always seemed to know when magic was in use. Maria paused for a moment as she looked at her little friend. He picked up his watering can and went about continuing to water the plants. 

Taking his words to heart, Maria turned, squeezing between the bookshelves and stacks of books piled on the floor. Her uncle had torn through every book he could get his hands on, most likely desperately searching for anything that would give him answers. She confidently reached out, fingers wrapping around the spine of a worn book, and pulled causing the secret compartment to click open.

With great care, Maria removed her father's book from the compartment. She begged the magic in the valley to reveal something to her, but as her eyes came to rest on the last page of the book, her heart sunk. Just as she was about to close the book, the bottom corner of the inside cover caught her attention. The parchment appeared to have been disturbed and rebound some time ago.

The corner gave very little resistance as she picked at it. The heavy door of the study startled her as her uncle entered, speaking to Marmaduke and Digweed about the preparations for the trip. The blade of Robin's dagger knocked against the leather bindings of the books from the bookcase Maria hid behind. She had packed away Robin's jacket in her bag but his dagger felt too personal of a gift to not wear. She had attached it, delicately, around her waist with one of her ribbons. She prayed that her uncle hadn't heard her or been alerted to her presence but thought it best to not stay longer than necessary.

Taking the dagger in hand, Maria made quick work of cutting away the thick parchment, revealing a yellowed paper. She removed it carefully as it was obviously old. Her uncle's voice retreated from his study, commanding for Digweed to finish preparations and that they would be leaving immediately. Tucking away Robin's dagger, she closed the book and carefully placed it back into the compartment, lock clicking back into place as she closed it.

She'd have to look at the paper later. She slipped out of the study and picked up her bag, assisting Digweed and secretly stowing away her new clue where it would be safe. 

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