from copper to gold

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I hope he feels better
I hope he feels so fucking better

If I could
I would bottle up all the happiness
I've felt in the last decade
and make him drink it
make him bathe in it
till it soaks into his pores and
drips down the curve of his back

make him feel what it's like to be made out of gold

and if that isn't enough
I'll hold my heart over the empty pit inside of him
that he describes to me every night
and wring out my hearts pomegranate liquid
into its obsidian depths
and give it something else to feast on
other than his dandelion skin

and maybe I'll finally put an end
to the monster that I
get a glimpse of every time his hazel eyes
start to imitate glass

I'll give him my heart
my happiness
my love
my life
only to have a void like his
where all these things that made life beautiful
once were
and I'll take his spot
on the cusp of breaking

the things I'd do
to see my copper boy
become gold once more

-kenm 10/6/19

to my most loveliest friend
you're the light in many people's lives
you sometimes forget that you can shine
for yourself too
I know how hard it can be
but please
don't let that light go out

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