My Story Ends Here

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It been five years since the twins have been born and boy do they make me busy. I run after Natsu who ran running around with my club. "Oi stop that. That's your dad club!" Shouted Katsuki from the porch. He was braiding Yuki's light pink hair. Natsu glares at me the tosses the club onto the ground. They never listen to me at all. They only listen to Katsuki. It not fair. I pick up my club and looked at Natsu. His blonde hair makes him look a lot like Kat. His black horns and face is all me though. He runs over to Kat. I sighed and walked over.

I watched Yuki's light pink tails wag as Katsuki packs a basket. Natsu wags his blonde tail in excitement as well. I smiled at them. They were like dogs begging for food. I stood up and grab the large blanket. "Dad I want a club of my own" said Natsu as we walked out the door. "I told you. You have to earn it and your a little young for one" I said as we walked. "No am not! Auntie Mina got hers at age five" he said glaring at me. "Well your Auntie is nuts" said Katsuki walking with one of Yuki's hand in his. "Its not fair!" He yelled.

We arrive at our picnic spot. I lay out the blanket and Katsuki sits down with Yuki. They go through the basket as Natsu sulks. I sighed and walked up to him. "Hey on your tenth birthday I will make you one" I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He pushed it off and glares at me. "I want one now! Your so over protective! Fuck this is why I hate you!" He yelled before storming off. "Oi!" Yelled Katsuki. He kept walking away. I guess I have been a little overprotective. "Am going to go bring him back. Don't eat my sandwich" I said looking back at Katsuki. He sighed. "Okay, be quick am starving" he said as Yuki wraps my sandwich.

I jog through the thick woods. "Natsu! Come on bud it's time to eat! You know Papa hates waiting!" I yelled looking for him. I got worried. He should've gone too far. I then heard a loud noise and ran twords it. I froze. Natsu was pinned by one of those dragon Yokai men things. I almost lost Kat to one of them. Fuck! How did he get this far out!? I transformed and charge. I tacked the Yoaki off my son. "Dad!" He cried out in joy. "Go back to Papa and your sis" I yelled as I got up. "But..I can help. I can prove myself to you!" He yelled. "No go now that's an-" I was distracted by Natsu and left my gaud down. My eyes widened as a sharp tiped tail went through my chest.

I cough blood as it left my chest. I almost fell forward but caught myself. "Fuck...go Natsu NOW" I yelled. His eyes were wide and tears fell down. "Now" I said weakly dodging another tail attack. Natsu cries and finally runs off. I sigh in relief that he was going to be safe. I hold my wound and saw blood all over the ground. "Fuckin' course it ends here...but I don't regret a thing. I have a family and found bring it bitch" I said glaring at the Yokai. He roars and charges at me.

I smirk and his tail stabs through my leg. My hand stabs through his chest. I grasp on his heart and squash it. "Check mate bastard" I said as he fell dead. I smile and stagger backwards. I hear voices and fell onto my back. My blood was everywhere. I felt warm hands and tears. Voices desperate for me to come back. I smile and my bleary vision went black. My body felt cold and heavy as my breath left me. Soon I will be in a higher place, waiting for my other half.

The end,
thank you for reading

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