Chapter 3

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I reach the school and sigh deeply. I dont want to be here. Maybe i could ditch? Sounds good to me.

I turn to walk away when a voice yells "HEY WHERE'RE YOU GOING?"

No, it cant be...him. I turn to find Luke walking toward me. 'Ok Mona,' i tell myself, "maintain composer. Act cool.'

I straighten up, hoisting my bag up on my shoulders. Luke walks over to me, well more like Marches. He looks pissed and i wonder why.

"Where have you been?" He growls once he reaches me.

"Home," i say, not able to form other words.

"Yeah 'home'" he says, putting air quotations around home.

I frown. "I have been home."

"You mean to tell me that you've beem home on your lazy ass while i get stuck working on our project by myself," he says, glaring at me.

My heart stops. "Project?' I ask. He nods. "What project?"

"The one we were assigned while you've been home doing nothing," he says, clencing his jaw.

I dont see what the big problem is. The boy doesnt come half the time anyways and when he does, he doesnt do anything. Then it clicks, he was expecting me to work on the project so he can be lazy ass like he was just accusing me of being.

"Well excuse me for having a life. I do have a job you know," lies, i dont have a job where i get paid and i dont work doing the school week. "And my mom happens to be sick, so ive had to stay home to take care of her." More lies. Like i have a reason for staying home besides not wanting to come to school.

Luke opens his mouth to say something, probably call me out for my lies, when my phone rings. I grab it out of my pocket and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello Manolita, long time no talk."

My heartbeat stops. No it cant be him. I thought he died years ago.

"H-h-how did you get my number?" I stutter.

"Oh darling, ive had your number for a while now," he states.

"Why are you calling me?" I demand. "I thought you were dead."

Luke yanks the phone out of my hand. "Who the hell is this?"

His eyes widen. "Manolita said you were dead."

I yank the phone out of his hands. "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" I yell. "EVERYBODY WAS AFTER YOU. They had a warrent for you arrest."

He laughs lightly. "Oh mano, dont you know? Theres not a cop alive that can catch me." And with that he hangs up. 

"DAD!" I yell. "DAMMIT!"

I end the call them throw the phone. It collides with the cement a few feet away. The back and the battery go flying across the parking lot while the screen shatters, little pieces of glass flying everywhere.

Luke walks over to the destroyed phone. He picks up the body and stares at it in complete and utter shock. "Why did you throw your phone?"

"Because, my dad cant know where i am, and he would be able to track me using my phone." I answer giving him a 'duh' look.

"So just throwing it away wouldnt have worked?" He questions.

"No," i answer. "He would still be able to track the owner of the phone and get information about my Mom.  He's a murderer Luke. Thats why he had a warrent out for his arrest but i guess they caught and killed tye wrong man." I rub my temples, all this brain power is giving me a headache.

The bell rings.

"We should get to class now," luke says, standing up straight and dropping what was my phone onto the ground.

"Yeah," i say, " i need a distraction right now."

He nods and leads the way into the building.

Two in Love *A Luke Hemmings Fanfiction* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now