chapter 6

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How dare he call me Mano? As I told him, only my close friends get to call me that. I take a deep breath, examining myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess and my eyes are rimmed with red. I guess crying really does make your eyes red.

I reach in my back pocket, taking out my ipod. I dont have headphones. My last pair broke last month and I cant afford new ones. I dont dare ask my mom for new ones, she can barely afford to support me, let alone get me extra things. I could ask my grandma for some new earbuds, but i feel i ask for too much as it is.

"Mano?" A soft voice asks.

I look up, stuffing my ipod back into my pocket. Beth, my best friend turned sister, is standing in the doorway, her eyebrows creased in concern. "You alright?"

I sigh. "No. My dad called me this morning."

Her eyes widen in horror. "What?"

"Thats what I said," I say, stepping back and leaning against the wall, closing my eyes. "He threatened to find my Mom. That cant happen. He's already tried to kill her once, because of me, and I wont let that happen again."

Beth sighs, leaning against the wall, facing me. "When did he call?"

"This morning."

"Ok, so we could track his location using the number he call-" she trails off at the look on my face.

"Actually, Luke broke my phone." I say, rubbing my temples.

"Why? Wait why was he with you?"

"He wanted to talk about the project and to bitch me out for not being her while he was stuck working on the project, and thats when my Dad called." I groan. "God hes an ass."

"I know sweety," beth says, wrapping her arns around me in a hug. " we know your Dad is a killer. I'll be here for you no matter what."

"Thanks Beth," I say, grateful to have her. "That means a lot."

"I know," she says, pulling back, grinning. "Now we should get back to class."

I groan. "I dont want to go back there. Not with Luke in the class."

She sighs, her smile turning into a frown. "Come on Mano. You havent been in class for a week. Im sure 20 more minutes wont kill you."

"It might," I mumble, but follow her out and back to class anyways.

*After Class*

The bell rings, and Im the first one out the door. Im sure I left some useless papers behind and for that I say who cares. Someone steps infront of me, blocking my way. I look up to find a stunned girl.

"Sorry," she says frantically. "I wasnt watching where i was going."

"Its fine," I say, getting up, rubbing my sore palm from when I fell. "Dont worry about it."

She smiles, holding out her hand, "I'm Haley."

I take her hand, smiling half-heartedly, remembering my fathers threats to murder my mother. "I'm Manolita, but you can call me Mano."

She giggles. "Alright Mano. I've got to get to chem, but I'll talk to you later. It was nice meeting you."

"Like wise," I say as she hurrys off in the opposite direction.

"Who was that?" Beth asks from behind me.

I jump. "Oh you scared me. That was Haley."

"She seems nice." Beth says, then frowns. "But sometimes people who seem nice..."

"Are actually Evil," I roll my eyes. "How many times have you said that now?"

She shrugs, giving me a look, as the warning bell rings. "Come on," she grabs my arm. "We've gotts go to English and you are not allowed to skip."

I groan. " fine. Only because I love you."

She grins, a slight blush covering her cheeks. "Good."

Shes not gay or anything, it seems to me that shes just not used to getting compliments or being loved. One of the main reasons we're such good friends is because we both know what its like to be physically and emotionally abused by our fathers.

She pulls on my arm, snapping me back to reality. "Come on Mano, we're gonna be late."

I giggle. "Yes mother."

She rolls her eyes, and proceeds to drag me down the hall to class.

Two in Love *A Luke Hemmings Fanfiction* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now