A ghost from the past

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‘Once I found out Fleetwood Mac are coming to Kansas City, I immediately got my tickets. I’ve been a huge fan ever since 1975, when then lovers Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham joined the group. I was very excited, yet, I knew I had a review to write after the show and I promised myself to go to the venue as the critic that I am. The band opened with The Chain and honestly, there really must be some hypothetical chain keeping all of them together, there’s amazing bond between all members of the band. We, the audience, got to hear all the wonderful songs we’ve grown to love over the years, including Dreams, Rhiannon, Big Love, Never Going Back Again and so on. It’s not a secret that people adore watching Nicks and Buckingham together. If we didn’t know better, we’d ask how aren’t they together? After a few songs into the set, the time came for Without You from Fleetwood Mac’s latest EP that came out yesterday, which is actually an old Buckingham Nicks song. Stevie returned to the stage and started telling the story about the song and everyone listened, laughed and gushed over how sweet the ex lovers were towards each other, she also dedicated the song to Lindsey. What nobody saw coming was when after they finished playing it, the two singers embraced each other, then Lindsey walked back to his microphone and announced he loved his former girlfriend. Now, we could all start conspiring, but we don’t really have to, because Buckingham quite obviously confirmed what he said when he left a passionate kiss on Nicks’ lips.’

Stevie sat in her dressing room in Tulsa, with her head in her hands, after reading a Rolling Stone review of their show from the previous night that Karen had printed to her. Neither Lindsey nor Stevie realized what happened until only after the show. They were very much together for the past month, but nobody really knew about it and now they decided it would be a great idea to declare their eternal love to thousands of strangers.

“I gotta see Lindsey.” Stevie got up and left her assistant. She walked a few doors down the corridor and knocked on his dressing room door. “Linds, open up, it’s me.” She was inside in no time.

“Hey, you.” Lindsey tried to kiss her, but she thrust the reviews into his hands instead. He looked down confused, then started reading. Since the Rolling Stone was the last Stevie read it was the first one in the pile and Lindsey didn’t actually need to read the rest. “Well.”

“Well? Lindsey, how could we be so stupid, so fucking careless?”

“Whoa… it’s not like you sound against all of this.” Lindsey replied sarcastically and she didn’t appreciate it. “What, you wanted to hide forever?”

“Of course no, but you’re still married to another woman!”

“Steph, calm down.”

“How can I? This makes me look so bad… I don’t want to be the home wrecker once again, Linds.”

“But you’re not and you know you’re not.”

“So? I can do nothing to prove people otherwise.” She sat down on the couch and covered her face with her hands. “I should have known better... I should have made you wait until after the tour. This is exactly why nothing should have happened between us until then.”

“Steph, it’s us. We don’t do what we think we should, we do what we feel we should. We’ve always been like that.”

She looked up at him. “How are you making sense right now?”

“Give me some credit, woman!”

Stevie smiled and took his hand in hers. “I’ve been seen as the bad person one too many times, I don’t want it this time. I think we should slow down, Linds.”

He feared she might say that. “I love you and the divorce process is in action, so really it’s just the wait left, because the fact remains the same.”

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