#1 - Prologue

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'Just another day on Pandora' (Y/N) thought to herself.

The sun made small areas of sand burn. The gravel was still warm to the touch, yet was cooler. (Y/N) was returning to Sanctuary in a Bandit Technical after being out of town for a while. She grabbed her ECHO and tried to contact Roland, the leader of the Crimson Raiders.

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"(Y/N), I'm glad that you're back. We could, uh, use your help" Roland's voice comes from the ECHO device, starting with static crackling before becoming clear. I looked up as the outer perimeter wall of Sanctuary came into view, a psycho banging on the gate noticed me as he runs off, screaming "Metal meatmobile cannot catch me!" as he stumbled over a rock. It earned a giggle, to say the least. Pandora was pretty cute in a weird way.

After getting Private Jessup to let me through the gate, I made my way through Sanctuary looking for Roland. People kept giving me odd looks. Whatever, I approached and pushed the door to the Crimson Raider HQ only to have it not open, accidentally bonking myself on the door. The raider behind me laughed as he struggled to maintain a serious attitude. "Ma'am, Roland, Lilith and Mordecai aren't in there right now" he answers as I sigh. "It's okay, they'll show up". As I left, I started wondering what I was doing to offset people. The raider silently leaned to me and whispered "the mask, ma'am" as I slowly remembered my psycho mask... I was still kind of a bandit after all.

I mindlessly roamed into Moxxi's bar, waving her over as she slides me a free drink while I'm sitting down. It's not late in the day, yet there are a few men stumbling around. "What's this for then? Welcome gift?" I ask with a slightly sarcastic tone as Moxxi smirks, leaning on the counter across from me. "Sugar, it's not everyday that I see you come in here. It's on the house" she says in her smooth, flirtatious voice. "Thanks... hey, do you know where Roland is?" I ask her. I'm not the biggest fan of Lilith because of how hot-headed she can be... she has a tendency to rush into situations. And M... Mo... whoever the third person was, I haven't met yet. Think his name was Mordekaiser or something. "Hey, sugar, I know that this might be sudden but are you okay with men seeing your naked body?" Moxxi whispers to me in a seductive manner, distracting me from my thoughts. It took a moment for her words to settle in, but my cheeks went red with fluster as I comprehended her question. "N-no, why!?" I whisper-shouted back in response, trying to not get the attention of the drunk bar patrons. "Well, it's just that growth-wise, you seem to be taking after me and I need a partner for a frisky photoshoot idea" she responded in an almost saddened tone. It was slightly true, even if it embarrassed me to admit it. I was pretty... uh... endowed. In both the chest... and my back end... and my thig- I quickly twisted my head to glare at Moxxi who was whispering suggestive and crude ideas about my body into my ear.

Moxxi shrugged and sighed as she stopped leaning over the counter, looking past me and giving a small wave. I turn and see Roland, Lilith and Mordewhatshisface walk into the bar, taking notice of me immediately. I give them a little wave as Roland beckons me to come with them. "Be safe, sugar" Moxxi touches my hand as I get up. Despite her job, she was really caring. "Of course, am I supposed to not be safe?" I smile back at her as I wave her off, following the three Vault Hunters out.

Meanwhile, up on the Helios Space Station...

"So we have an actual important siren, some random soldier tag-along, someone else I don't care enough to remember and mystery man... just rig their train to blow, we can replace it."

The CEO of Hyperion himself, Handsome Jack, was really, really, bored doing paperwork... and work in general.

Jack had spent all day dealing with four new Vault Hunters which were on their way to join the bandits which resided in Sanctuary, annoyed everytime he finished an ECHO conversation with them. They had survived his train trap and were now wandering the frozen part of Pandora, not responding to him whenever he would taunt them. 'Ugh, none of these Vaulters are any fun. NOR do they like to stay dead' Jack thinks to himself, grumbling as he walks through Helios. He kept getting stopped every few seconds by office workers asking for his opinion or for instructions, getting more frustrated by every one.

Jack slumps in his office chair after what could possibly be the most boring day of his life. He spun his chair around and looked out the large window behind him at Pandora, before being interrupted by a small beep, indicating a message. Jack sighed in a tired defeat as he started half-heartedly listening to the message. It was about a potential new Vault Hunter named (Y/N) who was reported driving to Sanctuary. "Mmm... " he grumbled, staring at the secretly taken mugshots of her face. He seemed to smile and laugh as he hatched a plan. Jack quickly moved over to his answering machine and contacted his personal assistant. "Heya pumpkin, mind booking me a day or two off starting tomorrow?" he asked her in his usual snarky, sarcastic tone. "Uh, I will try, sir. Hopefully people won't need your assistance as much tomorrow." she responds, a slight fear in her voice. "Perfect" Jack laughed as he hung up. He found a bargaining chip which he could easily use to win.

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