#6 - Life Ain't Easy

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You groaned, opening and wiping your eyes to find yourself in the middle of the bed rather than the edge. Jack must've got lonely again. The cuffs were missing, odd, what did he intend for them to even be for?

The smell of something delicious reached you as Jack proudly made his way out of the kitchen holding two plates of bacon and eggs. "Morning cupcake, I made you something" he smirked, placing the plate on a shiny metallic countertop and helped you out of bed. You were slightly lost for words, but went along with it. Last night showed you a version of Jack you never expected, he was softer and more caring to you and you were going to repay him by humouring him.

"Thanks, hey... what are we doing today? Yesterday was pretty.. " you suggested as Jack picked up from where you left off. "... dull, I know pumpkin and look, I don't need to do any work today so we can do whatever we want" Jack chucked as you both were sat down eating. "So, what is there to do on Helios?" you inquired, starting to finish up your breakfast. Jack seems to be already finished with a clean plate as he stretches.

"Now that you've stopped being a bit of a bitch-"

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"No interrupting cupcake. Anyway, we can go check out whatever parts of Helios we want!"

"Such as?..."

"... Huh. Good... point."

You finished up as Jack sat pondering about the entertainment Helios had to offer. He eventually smiled with confidence as he stood up, you copying shortly after. He put on his classic black jacket and white shirt as you both set out.

While walking, Jack would quietly snicker and grin as he would start tightly holding your hand before pulling you close by the waist. He had already had a man killed today because he stared at you for more than 5 seconds. Suddenly, Jack seems to pull something out of his pocket and tap the screen of it a few times. "What's that?" you asked, puzzled by it. "It's a Hyperion ECHOPhone, new technology, we plan to replace ECHO devices... eventually" Jack smiles at you warmly as his face slowly turns to anger. Before you could question it, he grips your arm tightly and drags you to what looks like his office. "What's going on... Jack?" you asked, slightly panicked. "S-shut it for now, alright?" Jack responded harshly, his change in tone was so sudden.

By the time Jack took you to his office, he told you in a scary tone to wait right where he left you or there will be consequences. By Jack's standards, that could be very literal.

A long time passes, and eventually you hear a familiar voice in some sort of overhead speaker. "(Y/N), cupcake, you can get in here. Now" Jack's voice deepens. Without a thought, you hastily walk into his office, seeing him sitting angrily in his chair as you walk up. "Is everything okay?.. What was the rush?" you asked as you made it up to his desk. "Sit with me, now" he growled, encouraging you to sit with him. You sat just like you did before but more willingly. He suddenly grabs your sides and starts moving one hand down to your lower regions, leaning into his answering machine as he mutters, "See, you dirty Vault Hunting bandits? This is what'll happen to YOUR little girl if you turn my little girl against me" causing you to stiffen. He starts laughing maniacally as he forcefully presses a red button on the answering machine, cutting off what sounded like Roland's voice.

"You have a... little girl?" you ask, preparing for any rough treatment to come flying your way. Instead Jack sighs as he releases his grip on you and lays back in defeat. "My daughter... she's a siren and she... she killed her own mother- I don't wanna get into it" he wiped his own eyes, looking like he was getting slightly teary. "I just- you and your god damn vault asses-" "but I'm not a Vault Hunter" you cut him off, looking straight into his eyes with passion. "I... never was against Hyperion. I just stayed in Sanctuary for a while when growing up".

"Care to share a little detail?" Jack asked without a sarcastic sounding voice, but generally interested.

"Well, my mother and father, well my father was a bandit warlord back on Pandora. Y'see, on Pandora they sometimes capture and auction women in bandit clans for the leader's purposes and my dad bought who was to end up being my mother. Well, nature happened and they had me. Nature also happened and my mother was carried off by a big rakk only to be dropped to the mouths of skags" you explained as Jack listened intently.

"Not gonna lie, kind of a crazy as hell way to go" Jack commented as you blushed, carrying on. "So, my dad's clan was being attacked by two clans who had recently banded together under new leadership and it was going to shit. So, under all that, he snuck away to the place that would soon become Sanctuary with me in tow. I had a pistol and was getting used to combat, but the Crimson Raiders and Sanctuary were being formed and he asked if they could find a place for me there. They damn nearly took off his head when they thought he was an invader and he got away after dropping me off. Nevertheless, he returned home to finish the fight... he's presumed dead." you finish your story, Jack in a slight awe.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you with your daughter Jack... in both the past and present" you wipe your eyes, trying not to cry. Jack shushes you as he holds your face, looking straight into your eyes and smiling. "It's okay. It's not your fault cupcake" he soothes you, starting to run his fingers in your hair. You suddenly looked at him with a great passion and felt something instinctual in your chest as if it was necessary to do. You closed your eyes and pulled yourself to Jack's face as you locked lips.

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