#3 - Supervised Supervision

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I struggled as I slowly awoke, bright blue hazy lights in front of me. I wiped my eyes to see the laser bars clearer, slowly taking in my metallic cell with a growing fear. I slowly walk over to the bars, reaching to touch one before being shocked. I start to quietly pace as an automatic door opens with a mechanical sliding sound, revealing someone's voice mid-conversation.

"-get that done for me, I'll be in my office in a few hours". The man's voice finished talking as I heard one set of footsteps approaching while another left. I backed away from the bars as a terrifying sight for sore eyes stares from the outside of the cell. The man himself, I instantly recognised him.


... t-that was on his name tag, but he had the same body armour that those human-robot looking people had when I was attacked!.. though, I wasn't in a position where I could really say anything. "Handsome Jack requests that you put these on" his weary voice said plainly, rolling three large metal rings through the bars, two of them smaller than the third. "Put the smaller ones on your wrists and the larger on your neck. Do it now or you will be sedated and forced" he said as I looked down at them. "Hold on-" I tried to ask about where I was, but the man only stared with the creepy single red 'eye' that his helmet had. With a sigh of defeat, I'd rather not have more things injected into me as I put the rings where he said. They seemed to attach themselves and tighten themselves immediately after I put them on. A few seconds later, I started to feel how heavy these rings really were. The neck ring was going to make my neck hurt so much.

The man seemed to start to leave when the sound of the door reopening had happened. He hurried out in a fast pace as a smug man jumped into view suddenly, slightly startling me. "Hah, you got got cupcake" he smiles to himself, looking straight into my eyes. "W-where am I?.." I stuttered, unsettled by the presence of such a powerful man. He only seemed to get more excited as he readied himself to talk to me, starting to grin really hard. "Y'see kiddo, you're on Helios right now, you're my prisoner, your little Vault Pals are undergoing so much stress, and you better play nice or I'm gonna go rough on your friends".

I'll admit. It was a lot to take in. Jack had pulled up a seat and was laughing his ass off, telling me about how much fun things had now turned out for him, explaining my transport to Helios and informing me of my... shock collar and handcuffs.

"Now kitten, the cuffs aren't important. But that collar right there, if you go doing something I wouldn't be a fan of... welp, bzzt!" he smirks and cackles to himself even more, causing me to lean back on the back wall of the cell as I slowly slid to the floor in complete defeat, finally tuning back in to whatever Jack was saying. "- and then it like tells me or something about what your doing or who you're talking to so I can take over its supervision. Hey, look at that! Supervised supervision!" he laughs even more, not even paying any attention to me anymore. I finally hold my head in my knees, wrapped up by my arms in complete sadness, which finally catches his attention. "Oh, alright cupcake I'll let you wander Helios, explore Helios a little, I somewhat trust ya with that collar on. I have to go, because some CEO's Personal Assistant was just so incapable of getting me a longer break from work!" Jack sighs as he walks over and taps some buttons next to the cell, turning off the bar beams and beckoning me out.

"... what to do..." I muttered, staring at the Hyperion Hub of Heroism. There were a lot of people here and most of them were staring at my Pandoran clothing with disgust. It was more comprehendable sitting in the cell, hell, maybe I should just go back. Wouldn't that be a complete shocker to Jack.

Out of nowhere, a guard walked up behind me and harshly grabbed my arm. "W-what are you doing?" I growl at him and tugged away. "We don't allow dirty Pandora scum on Helios. I'm taking you for execution" he retorts back, holding me harder. Finally, I started to wind up my free arm ready to swing before getting grabbed by the neck. "Don't make a scene" his voice rumbles as I punched him hard in the gut, making him grunt as he released me.

"See ya later, Hyperion douchebag!" I laugh as I dashed off before he could recover, starting to run past the onlookers. After passing some shops and a cafe, I slowed to a light jog just before feeling my waist get pulled back into a larger, muscular body. "Woah, woah cupcake. What're you running around for?" the familiar voice asks, I can essentially hear him smirking by how... just how Jack is. It's been about 15 minutes or more since meeting him and he's already a very unique... 'character'. He was still annoying as hell though.

"I uh, was not doing anything... what's it to you, anyway?" I crossed my arms, trying to hide any fear or uncertainty I had. "Calm your whiskers, my little kitten. It's clear I'm missing something here" Jack's voice starts to slightly boom as two Hyperion guards rush past him and grab my arms. "What!?" "Woah woah hold on what the hell are you two doing!?" I panic, pulling away as Jack seems to get annoyed at them. "Don't worry, we'll execute the Pandoran intruder, sir" a familiar guard speaks up as I pull away from him more. "Execute? A-are you an idiot- hooly crap you're a dumbass!" Jack laughs as he glares at them, motioning for them to let go. "I- I-" the guard struggled to answer as Jack waved over some guards which looked like they had a higher ranking. "Yo, guys, give these two soldiers of mine an 'Extreme Therapy Training', you got it?" he smirked as he patted the two intimidated guards on the back, sending them on their way.

I look around as Jack walks back to me, wrapping one of his arms around my neck to pull me closer to him. "Walk with me, cupcake" he said as he smiled to me. "Or I could go off on my own again. That's better" I mutter as I move his arm away from me, suddenly being met by a nasty shock in my neck. "Fucking god damn-" "Ah ah, language!" Jack hushes me, annoying me even more. "Come on cupcake, turns out I didn't have much to do. Let's bond over lunch" he says, pulling me close by the waist this time. "Nn... nevermind" I was going to respond, but didn't want to get shocked again. I sighed as I was forced to go along with Jack.

The King's Queen [Handsome Jack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now