#2 - Hyperion's Ambush

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(Y/N) was driving with Roland, Lilith and Mordecai, finally getting to meet Mordecai as well as his bird, also getting to catch up with Roland and Lilith. The mission was simple, to enter a bandit base and clear it out. We were supposedly looking for a rare weapon known as the Infinity or something dumb.

After getting the three through the gate with the deceptiveness of my Bandit Technical, I decided to wait parked slightly further away for safety. They were fine without me, plus I worked better alone. I slowly stopped in thought about earlier conversations during the trip... specifically, Lilith trying to convince me to become a full-time Vault Hunter.

"Come on, (Y/N)! You're perfect for the role!" Lilith begged in a slightly whiny tone to me in the driver's seat. "For the last time, no! Plus, I don't want to stay in Sanctuary. Not to be rude, but the fight with Hyperion is not mine" I responded, keeping my eyes on the road to avoid dead skags and rocks. "But-" "But nothing" me and Roland say at the same time, causing a slight awkward moment between both of us. After a moment, Roland continues saying "... Lilith, (Y/N) doesn't need to become a Vault Hunter" he says, resting his hand on her shoulder. "She could be so much more useful if she did! Come on-" Lilith gets hushed by Roland as I start to ignore her whiny behaviour. Eventually, she stopped and apologized right after Mordecai muttered something about her acting like a child.

I woke up with right when a large thud shook the ground near me. "How did- what hap- oooh... " I wince as I realise I fell asleep in the middle of a dangerous, populated area. I reach for my weapon, a roughly designed, handmade SMG from spare gun parts and questionable 'Bandit Manufactured' parts with shark faces on them. Quickly jumping out of the technical, I slip on shifting sand and hurt my head on the side of the vehicle as I fall. The sand continued to shudder as the ground shook more. I look up, my eye catching meteor-like fireballs falling from the sky at alarming speeds, and with odd accuracy too. I saw them landing near me, as well as larger ones inside the bandit camp the Vault Hunters were in.

"(Y/N)!! Get the car here, NOW!" I hear Lilith's voice shout from the technical, with Mordecai's angry telling as well as gunfire in the background. As I attempt to clamber back into the driver's seat, a large, metal hand roughly grabs my leg and drags me out. Pointing my SMG at the attacker, I gasped and shuddered to see a large robot instead of an expected bandit. Tightening my grip on the technical, I shook my leg and slid it loose, firing rounds of lead into the robot's face to no avail. The bullets, they did nothing! The last thing I could hear was Lilith's voice followed by Roland's from my ECHO device as my hands got pinned by another robot, two more approaching behind. Two more humanoid figures made their way past the bots, one grabbing a syringe and injecting it right into my arm with force. It stung instantly and the pain seared, but my vision faded very quickly.

"Heyo, bandit scum! Handsome Jack here!" Jack's voice taunted Roland through his ECHO device. Roland, Lilith and Mordecai had just managed to retreat, sadly on foot. "What... do you want, Jack?" Roland panted as he took a seat on a small boulder, followed by Lilith sitting near and Mordecai laying down. Jack only laughed as a response, before he stopped. "No, no, friends. It's what YOU want. See, now I've got one of your precious little Vault Hunting buddies" he snickers, Roland's face turning pale. "Wait, Jack has (Y/N)?" Lilith looks up, getting angered by the idea. "That's right pals! And if you want your little princess here back, you're gonna want to not be a god damn pain anymore".

Back on the Helios Space Station...

Jack celebrated and cheered to himself, quite literally, as he paid two of his doppelgangers to cheer to him, pop champagne bottles and throw money to him as he was spinning in his golden throne of a chair, laughing the whole time. "Finally! A friggin' score for Jack! Alright, when is our new toy getting here? I've got some pretty creative demands right about now" Jack smirks, looking to his doppels as they shrug. "Y'know, you guys can leave now. I've had that fun now" as he makes shooing gestures, encouraging them to leave. He watched them exit the office before contacting his personal assistant yet again to ask about (Y/N)'s arrival.

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