Chap 2

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The next day, Callum decided to explore the clan with Rayla. Ezra and the dragon prince decided to stay the day indoors. Callum marvelled at their architecture how deeply immersed with nature they were, they also had a lot of clearings so the moon's light would shine on the clan.

The elves would whisper as he passed by, mothers hid their children but Callum didn't care. In a clearing, he saw a male elf talking to a bunch of children who were following his every move. "They are using Primal magic!"

"Well, learning to do it"

"But they are already doing such complex spells at such a young age!" Callum was in shock.

"Of course it's easy for them, we are born with primal magic unlike you" the voice of Faven made them look back.

"What are you doing here?" Rayla hissed.

"I am taking over their shift in watching you two" their guards nodded and started to walk away.

"Well all races originated here so we must all be linked, perhaps Humans can do primal magic"

Faven laughed "what a lunatic! You can't do Prime magic, it's impossible. You know why?" He looked down on him.

"I know I know humans are the only capable creatures who can do dark magic it's in our blood, we get taught that too" Callum grumbled.

Rayla hits Faven's shoulder "well I believe in him! I know he can do it and will do it!"

Callum smiled "thank you Rayla"

By now they had grabbed the attention of the children.

Some of them screamed and ran behind their teacher, the braver ones stood still and glared.
"A human! That's an odd sight to see in our clan" the teacher smiles. "I am Junar their magic teacher"

"good to meet you! and-" He turned to the rest of the kids. "Hi everyone I am Callum, bet you never saw a human before! But don't be afraid because today you can meet one" Callum takes off his bag and sits down.

"If you are curious you can touch me, I have soldier behind me ready to kill me if I do anything suspicious" Callum saw the kids relax a little. The braver ones stopped the others from getting closer.

"We were taught that humans are born with evil, they have so much corruption that in one touch we can be corrupted"

Callum saw how the other kids agreed.

"Well, why don't you meet Rayla? She's a moon shadow elf and she hasn't gotten corrupted by me" and on cue, Rayla touched his head"

The kids gasped in shock. Rayla and Callum smiled at each other.

That was enough for the kid to run towards him. He felt tiny hands touch his ears, head and cheeks. And he was flooded with questions and statements.

"You don't feel cold like they told us you would feel, you feel warm"

"How old are you?"

"Your ears are round! How can you even hear us?"

"How does it feel like to not have horns?"

"What are your weaknesses?"

"How can you tell what human race you are without your markings?"

"Why don't you have colour?"

Callum laughed. "Woah Woah! I can't answer so many questions at once"

He cleared his throat " I am 14, I can hear but less than you. And I guess it feels light? I have heard horns can be a weight on your head. And we can tell our different races through colour of our skin but that is not important to us humans as we like to think of ourselves as one race in order to have no discrimination. And about the colour....I'm just white, that's how I was born"
The kids were ecstatic.

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