Chapter 13

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*Rose's POV*

Draven and I are sitting on the couch cuddling together and watching TV. We have been cuddling together for a few hours now and I don't want to get up. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out to check it. I notice that Jer had texted me.

     J- Hey RJ I'm just checking in to make sure you are okay or if you need me to come to pick you up?

     R- Hai Jer Jer, I am perfectly fine I promise! No, you don't need to come to pick me up silly.

     J- Okay munchkin, let me know if anything happens and you need me to come get you.

     R- Well I don't think that is going to happen but I will let you know Jer.

I chuckle and roll my eyes as I set my phone down. "He's very protective over you princess," Daddy says looking down at me. I shrug "I mean yeah he's been taking care of me since I was younger what do you expect," he shifts his position a little and looks at me "What do you mean he's been taking care of you since you were younger?" he asks and I move to face him "Well our parents died in a car accident when I was 12, Jer became my legal guardian," I explain to him. His eyes go wide and he nods "Wow, I didn't know you went through that princess," he reaches over to pull me into a hug. I sigh and snuggle into his chest "I know, I don't tell many people, the only people who really know are the people I went to school with," I say softly.

Daddy stands up from the couch and motions for me to stand up and join him "What are we doing Daddy?" I ask softly as I look up at him. He smiles and leads me to the kitchen "We are going to make dinner silly," we get into the kitchen and he picks me up and sets me on the counter "And you're going to help Daddy, do you think you can do that little one?" he asks kissing my cheek. I giggle and smile "I can try, but what am I going to help you with Daddy?" I ask looking at him. He smiles and hands me the recipe for a garlic butter baked chicken breast. I look at the recipe "Whoa Daddy, dis sounds really good," I say smiling. (I actually hate chicken lol) He is pulling out a pan and goes to the fridge "It's very good princess, I think you're going to like it," he says pulling out the chicken and setting it on the counter next to me. I watch him prepare the chicken and he looks up at me "I need you to read off the steps and the directions for the recipe, can you do that princess?" he asks me. I nod and smile "Yeah I can do that Daddy." he chuckles "I figured you could," he says kissing my cheek. 

I start reading the steps and the directions off for him as he starts cooking. The delicious smell of garlic and chicken soon fills the air and I can feel my stomach growl as I start to get hungry. He comes over to me and chuckles as he hears my stomach growl "Someone is hungry huh?" he says and I nod "Do you want some fruit snacks while you wait for dinner baby girl?" he asks walking to the pantry "Yes please Daddy," I say quickly. He comes back with 3 boxes "Okay I have scooby-doo, finding nemo and hello kitty fruit snacks which one would you like princess?" he asks me setting them on the counter. I smile and look at the boxes "Scooby doo pwease," I say getting excited. He nods and opens the scooby doo box and pulls out a pouch "Do you want me to open these baby?" he asks looking at me. "No I can do it, you can go back to cooking," I say taking the package. "Babygirl can you do Daddy a huge favor?" he asks while he is cooking. I nod and look over to him as I eat my fruit snacks. He turns around and points at the boxes of fruit snacks "Will you go put the fruit snacks back in the pantry please?" he asks as he helps me off the counter "Yeah I can do dat," I say taking the boxes back to the pantry.

*Time skip to an hour later*

Daddy and I have finished eating and now we are rinsing the dishes and cleaning up everything when there is a knock at the door. "Daddy dere's someone at the door," I say softly and he smiles "Okay princess I'll be right back," He says and goes to answer the door. I finish cleaning up and go to see who was at the door. I freeze and look at him, no it can't be there's no way that's Jack, I say to myself and run back into the kitchen and shake the thought from my head. 

********************************* (859 Words) A/N: Okay I genuinely apologize for how crappy this chapter is but I felt like I owed yall a new chapter. So Rose knows Jack, hopefully, that doesn't cause trouble with Draven. Please vote, comment & follow it's much appreciated. And as always thank you so much for reading 💕

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