Chapter 7

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*Draven's POV*

After texting Rose all morning about possibly meeting up again I've been smiling like crazy. Maybe this is my shot, maybe now I can finally get her to be my little. I jog upstairs to my room and lay out an outfit to wear, something not too casual but still formal enough to wear to the office if I needed to. Not that I should need to, I have the next 2 days off. Everyone in my office does I felt giving and gave everyone the weekend off. I hear my phone ding and pick it up checking who it's from.

     R- Well I talked to my brother and he said that it would be okay for us to meet at the park

     D- Well that is awesome, which park will we be meeting at princess

I smile as I text her back growing more and more excited to see her again. She texts me with the directions to the park and I set it in my GPS so I'm ready to go. 

     R- My brother is making sandwiches for us for lunch btw so you don't have to bring anything.

     D- Well thanks for letting me know princess

I chuckle and set my phone down on my bedside table. I sigh and walk to the bathroom, I jump in the shower quickly to wash my hair and body. When I'm done in the shower I walk out with a towel wrapped around my waist and change into the outfit I had l laid out earlier. (Pictured above) I finish changing and head back downstairs, I grab my keys off the rack and my wallet from the dish. I head out the door, making sure to lock it behind me and walk to my car. I start driving to the park and before long I pull into the parking lot. I don't see Rose anywhere so I decided to walk around the park for a while. I soon find a bench in front of the slides, I sit down and text Rose.

     D- I'm at the park now princess, let me know when you get here

     R- We just pulled in

I smile and look at the parking lot noticing a new car pull in and park. I watch the car for a little bit before I see her step out. I stare at her, God she looks beautiful, I say to myself. I look around the park and to my surprise, there's no one else here. I'm broken from my trance when I hear Rose walking up to me "Hey Princess," I say as I turn around and look at her. She giggles and smiles at me "Hi Draven," she says standing in front of me. I look her up and down and smile at her "You look cute," she looks at me "Tanks, Mel and I are matching today," she says softly. I smile "Well isn't that cute, and where is Mel?" I ask as I stand up. She looks up at me and I smirk remember just how short she really was. "She's over der with Jeremy," she says pointing to the swings I nod and look over there. "Would you like to go swing princess?" I ask taking her hand looking at her. She smiles and nods "I'd like dat."

We walk over to the swings and Jer stops pushing Mel and looks at us. Rose sits on the swing next to Mel and smiles at her. I gently start pushing her. She giggles and holds onto the chains as I continue to push her. I can feel Jeremy is watching me for a bit before I hear Mel pipe in "Daddy stop being weird," that causes Jer to shake his head and look at Mel "You want me to push you again baby girl?" Mel almost immediately nods and smiles. I chuckle a little and think about how cute they are together. Before too long Mel and Rose are in a race to see who can swing the highest. I start to get the sense that they are getting to high and Jer obviously thinks the same as we both gently grab their swings. "That's enough little one, I don't want you getting hurt," I say softly. She sighs as she looks up at me "Aww but I was having fun," I sigh myself and see that Jeremy starts to say something, I hold my hand up to stop him and sternly look at Rose. She gulps and looks down "Okay I sorry," she says softly and I smile "Good girl." Jer and Mel both start to giggle and I smirk as Rose glares at them.

"Well I suppose it's time to get you girls some food huh," Jeremy says breaking the silence. Mel and Rose smile and they run-up to the small shelter in the park, leaving Jeremy and I alone. We both look at each other and chuckle. "Those girls I swear are never going to run out of energy," he says as we start walking towards the shelter and I laugh in agreement. "So Jeremy what would you say about Rose coming to my house later, just to hang out?" Jeremy looks at me and shrugs "First please call me Jer, second I can see that you two are really good together and if you swear to me that she isn't going to get hurt I think I can allow her to go to your house. It will give Mel and I some time alone," I smile and look at him holding out my hand "I swear to you Jer Rose will not get hurt, I would never let that happen." He nods and shakes my hand. "You go wait with the girls I'll go get the lunch," He says jogging to his car I nod.

I walk into the shelter "You two must be really hungry," I say chuckling as I sit down next to Rose, she giggles and shakes her head "Jer makes really good sandwiches," she replies which causes Mel to viciously shake her head. Jer walks in smiling "You dang right I do," which causes us all to laugh. Jer sits down and hands each of us a sandwich and a water bottle. "Tanks Jer Jer," Rose says and I swear I feel my heart melt, her little voice is so precious. She looks up at me and slides her sandwich baggie and water bottle in front of me "Will you open these for me..?" she asks softly. I smile at her "Of course I will princess," I say opening them for her "Here you go," I hand them back to her. We all sit in silence as we eat our lunch and I can't help but smile thinking about bringing Rose home.

********************************* (1131 Words) A/N: Thought I'd do the park scene in Draven's POV as well. And it looks like Jer is going to let Rose go over to Draven's house, hopefully Jack doesn't call and ruin their night.. Please vote, comment & follow it's much appreciated. And as always thank you so much for reading 💕

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