Chapter 8

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*Rose's POV*

Mel and I finish eating first, we patiently wait for the boys to finish their food. "Are you almost done?" I say looking up at Draven "I wanna go play again," I whine. This earns me a stern look from him and a "Be patient and don't whine." I nod "Sorry," I respond. Shortly Draven and Jer finish their sandwiches and get up to throw away our garbage. "Okay we can go play some more now," Draven says walking back over to the table. I smile as Mel and I squeal in excitement and start to run towards the playground. "No running!" Jer yells which stops Mel dead in her tracks "You too Rose," Draven says quickly and I stop running too.

We all walk together to the playground and Mel and I quickly make our way to the jungle gym. Jer and Draven sit at the bench and watch over us carefully. "Daddy come play with us!" Mel yells to Jer "You too Draven!" I yell. The boys look at each other as they stand up "And where are your manners girls?" Jer simply states and Draven raises his eyebrows looking at me. Mel and I jog over to them "Pwease," we say in unison to the boys causing them both to chuckle and nod "okay" they respond. Mel takes Jer's hand and I take Draven's as we basically drag them to the playground. We all play together climbing around the jungle gym and going down the slides for about a half-hour. Jer looks at his watch "Wow I think it's time to be heading home," he says as Mel comes down the slide into his arms. Draven looks at me "Rose how would you feel about coming to my house tonight?" he asks softly. I can feel the biggest smile form on my face "but what about Jer?" I ask right as Jer walks up with Mel on his back. "I already okayed it, you have fun sis," he says putting Mel down and gives me a hug. Mel winks at me and I giggle as I shake my head. Draven looks at me "And what are you giggling about princess?" I shake my head "Uh it's nothing," I smile. "Okay say goodbye, Mel," Jer says as he hands Draven my bag. Mel and I hug each other "Now's your chance RJ don't screw it up," she whispers and giggles and we say goodbye. I roll my eyes and shake my head at her and goodbye.

"Are you ready to go princess?" Draven asks as I wave goodbye to Jer and Mel as they walk away. "Yeah I'm ready," I say smiling. Draven takes my hand and leads me to his car. He opens the door for me and helps me in "Do you want me to buckle you in or do you want to do it?" He asks softly as  I situate myself "Um I can do it," I say softly. He nods and closes the door before walking around the car. He opens his door and gets in and sets my bag in the backseat. I put my seatbelt on as he starts the car "Hey you gotta wear your seat belt too Draven," I say noticing he hadn't put it on yet. He chuckles "I know princess, I was getting there," He says putting his seatbelt on. I smile at him as we start driving away from the park. I look at the window and think to myself 'Mel was right, this really could be my chance. Draven could become my Daddy. But what if he doesn't want me. Or worse what if he only wants me for sex.' I shake my head to remove any negative thoughts and watch out the window as we drive to Draven's house.

********************************* (635 Words) A/N: This is a shorter chapter and it kind of sucks. I'm sorry but I hope you still enjoy it. Please vote, comment & follow it's much appreciated. And as always thank you so much for reading 💕

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