Chapter 14: Back Home

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Finally, after a few more months, Black Mist was able to leave the orphanage. He was now well enough to go to his home. This came to a great relief to Black Mist. It meant that he could go home now. It also meant that he would be leaving the kids. The children were devastated, but they understood that he was missing his home.

"I'll visit now that I know where this place is," Black Mist assured them. He looked at Hope. "Look look for me, please."

Hope nodded. "Okay. I will try much harder."

Black Mist smiled at him. "Promise?"


He nodded again and flew off to the town.

Along the way were many Numbers. They saw him, angry flickers passed through their faces, and turned away from him. These were all Light Numbers.

Light Numbers were the exact opposite of Dark Numbers. They had Light Energy, which harmed the Dark Numbers mroe than physical wounds could. At the same time, the Dark Energy in Dark Numbers harmed the Light Numbers the same way. The two were mortal enemies, and each pretended that the other didn't exist, which worked out just fine.

Black Mist, too, ignored them until a small hand touched his foot. He hissed in pain and looked down to see a Light Number child touching his foot! He immediately pulled away, glaring intensely.

"What the fuck!?" he hissed.

The Light Number mother pulled her child away and glared at Black Mist. "You stay away from my daughter!"

"You keep your daughter away from me!" he retaliated. "She was the one who attacked me!"

"Get out of here!" The father made an energy construct of a sword. It was made of his Light Energy, so it was dangerous for him.

Black Mist hissed again and retreated. He wasn't yet ready to fight the Dark Numbers in his town, much less Light Numbers.

After a while, he made it to his town. He was careful to avoid any gangs by going into alleyways and above the rooftops. At one point, he landed and walked the rest of the way. This part of the town was as safe as it could get in a town where dangerous Numbers lurked. No one attacked anyone. This place was mainly with elderly Numbers reaching their late 1000's or Numbers who couldn't find another home and just came here. Those Numbers meant no harm, but those Numbers were also the ones targeted for Gaia's attacks. They were the easiest targets.

Black Mist looked around. This wasn't where he stayed; his was closer to the bad part, but he liked walking around for anything useful to maybe add to his training doll. He found and picked up random pieces of stray metal and tucked them under his arm.

The pieces are beginning to become scarce, he thought to himself. I'll soon have to find some more things to add. He then made his way home, mildly fearing the Numbers he would encounter.

Some gangs looked him over, but, once seeing his feminine figure, they snickered. They said things like "he won't be a good match!" Some even mistook him for a girl and tried to sweet talk him. Black Mist hardly paid attention to these comments. He was used to hearing them, but he secretly grinned to himself.

Oh, just you wait until I get strong enough, he hissed in his mind. Then, you'll be eating your own damn words! He chuckled darkly and turned a corner into his alleyway.

Once there, he slid the metal into the whole and wiggled in himself. This was his castle. He was the king of this place.

"I see you have returned to your home," the voice said.

"Yeah. Where were you?"

"I had matters to attend in my own world. You cannot expect me to be with you the entire time."

"I never expected that," Black Mist stated with a "no duh!" tone. He climbed the stairs up to the second floor and set the metal down, grabbing the hammer to bang them into the shapes they wanted. "I also need freedom of mind."

"Of course you do."

Black Mist paused for a while, wincing at the loud sounds the hammer made as it clanged against the metal. Then, he spoke. "Where's your world?"

"I cannot and will not tell you." An immediate response.

Black Mist frowned, unsatisfied with the answer. "Why?"

"I simply cannot."

Still not satisfied, Black Mist grunted and went back to work bending the metal with the hammer. The voice seemed to sense his dissatisfaction and sent out a wave of negativity. Probably a peace offering since Black Mist fed off of negativity.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you. I wish I could, but you would not want to meet me if I did."

"Why? It doesn't matter wh-"

"I am not a Number, Black Mist. My kind is not accepted among the Numbers."

Black Mist sighed. "Fine. If you say so."

"I'm glad you accept. In due time, I will tell you."

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. Black Mist rolled his eyes.

"Hey! 96! Come out here and pay up!" Gaia.

Black Mist continued to bend the metal until it was curved. Then, he picked it up and arranged it on an arm. Then, he used the hammer again to get the metal to wrap around the arm.

"Yo! Number 96, you coward!" This time, it was Scar. He sounded pissed off.

Oh, well. Let them bang all they want. That's not gonna get them in.

"Fine!" Scar shouted. "You'll pay for this later when you come out! It's been 500 years! You're gonna have to pay up big time!"

In a high-pitched, mocking voice, Black Mist mimicked Scar's last words while still working on the doll. As if! I'm not about to get myself killed before I destroy this thing with the most metal on it!I

"It will take you a long time," the voice pointed out. "Maybe even until you are an adult."

"Like I care! I'll do it no matter how long it takes!" Black Mist was determined to get it done, and nothing was going to stop him.

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