I choose to fall - Story ✅

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"I choose to fall"

"Jennica, Stand up. It's your turn", napatango ako at tumayo.

Nasa akin lahat ng tingin ng kaklase pero na kay mam ang aking atensiyon.

"Jennica , here's your situation: Imagine a gun pointing at your head and you can't move, what will you do?",

I smirked.

"Stop imagining", as simple as that.

Napa-hiyaw naman ang aking mga kaklase. Tapatango rin si mam.

"You are sleeping and you here someone at your door where in you forgot to close the tv. What will you do first?",

"Open my eyes"

Napahigaw ulit ang aking mga kaklase ng "logic girl", yeah yun talaga ang alyas ko. Pano ba naman e palagi akong nag-iisip ng logic na mga sagot.

"Ok ok last situation. You found yourself dangling in a bridge. But you are given a choice, to fall or to be saved?"

Usually the situation would process in my mind quickly but this is for me is quite different.

"I would choose to fall"

Napataas naman ng kilay si mam.

"But that is not the logical way, Jennifer", bigkas niya.

"It is not but you we're asking my opinion. And I choose fall. I would choose to fall into the cold hard water and risk my life than to be saved and find myself dangling in a bridge again. I would choose to fall over and over again. I would choose to risk my life over and over again. Than to be saved, I don't even know if someone would save me or not", napa-ngiti ako ng mapait.

"Like in love, I would choose to love. I would choose to love over and over again, even though it hurts, even though it pains and even though it breaks. I will choose to love."

'Ganun ako katanga'

Nag-bow ako at napa-upo.

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