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-katie's history with pain

"Your connection with them is very deep-"

THE FIRST FEELING CAME WHEN she entered her dorm room after Brooklyn Vision's school orientation for the new students. Katie fell on her bed and barely acknowledged her roommate Sung Hye, feeling the sensation of slumber and exhaustion finally sink into her skin.

She spent her day walking and heading to classes, visiting teachers and seeing kids her age nudge against each other and grin towards one another.

 Her right hand pinched with pain when she forced herself off her bed to change into her pyjamas. She stared at her hand for a second and shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Then a few days later, the second time the strange feeling came, she was staying over at Mj's for the weekend to console her uncle's sudden death as Spiderman.

As she brought her plate into the kitchen that day, her back suddenly shot up with pain, and her head throbbed and burned with pain like it was bashed against a stone.

She wept. Cried for days.

Finally fed up with it, she told her aunt her "injuries" and explained how she gets multiple bruises and cuts when in pain, that she never had, and it disappears and goes away instantly, also feeling emotions she's not currently feeling in the moment.

Her aunt only smiled and said, "You have a soulmate Katie, you can feel their pain and emotions and they can feel yours too. This means your connection with them is very deep. Which isn't a bad thing-"

"But it is!" She shrieks, brows pinched in frustration. "Why does my soulmate have to hurt me like this!? How will this make me even love them?!" 

Mj blinked, her eyes calm. She lifts her hand and placed it on her niece's shoulder. "It won't," she said, going in to kiss Katie on the forehead. "It'll only make your bond with them stronger. You'll have to do the loving part yourself." She smiles, her gaze filled with understanding.

Katie frowns. Hating the look Mj gave her.

She doesn't even know if she could learn how to love someone who's causing her pain, even if they're connected.

By the time she came back to the school ready to unpack the things she brought with her for the weekend, while still thinking about what her aunt said, a wave of sadness washed over her making her curl up in bed and cry silent tears. Katie realized then her soulmate was in pain, mourning about someone. She also realized that this was her third connection with the person on the other side.

Katie didn't answer her roommate when she came into the room, her joyful expression falling slightly seeing her friend wrapped in her blanket and small sobs leaving her lips.

Sung Hye heads over to her and asks what's wrong as she placed her hand on Katie's wet face, her cheeks flushed as she stammered and cried out that it was her soulmate.

Katie hates her soulmate--she made that decision after she explained it to Sung Hye--more than the fact that she can't even hear her own roommate talk to her from the far side of the room without her hearing aids.

When the fourth time rolled by, it was painful. Probably the most out of all.

She was studying for an English quiz when her head burned like it was on fire in a millisecond. She cried out in pain until a security guard nearby knocked down her door and took her to the hospital.

The doctor diagnosed her attack as a huge migraine from working too hard, telling her she should rest and take it easy. Katie was given a few days of school spending her time in her dorm room. She couldn't stand the looks people gave her when she walked in the hallways, the look of pity for her situation.

Though that's what people thought took place, or the explanation they were told. Katie knew the real reason-the cost-

She really, really hates her soulmate-

But when a new young hero rose in New York like a freshly bloomed sunflower on a golden summer day saving civilians back and forth and kicking bad guys straight to the police. Well-

Katie's okay with that.


"I feel queasy

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"I feel queasy."

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