𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣 | 𝗮𝗰𝘁 1

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-mixed feelings

"Bless you-"

OKAY, LET'S BACK UP. MILES WAS SLINGING AROUND QUEENS doing his usual night patrol as Spiderman. He was about to wrap his last lap of the night and head back home when he heard shouting and screaming of all different kinds around a corner nearby.

Curious, he released his web pressing his webshooter for another web and softly landed in a dark spot crawling closer to the ruckus. His jaw fell agape as shock ran under his skin, his white oval-shaped eyes widening at the sight before him;

It was Katie--she was frozen, her body facing in the same direction as a truck coloured in bicycle yellow racing towards her. He gasped seeing a couple of people yell at her begging her to move.

She didn't move. Their yelling and screaming didn't reach her. Was she crazy? Was it fear? Or was it the famous, 'my life flashed before my eyes?!'

Not on my watch!

He thought flicking his wrist towards a city light right beside the statued girl. He shot a long web from his shooters and went down snatching the girl just as the truck made it to the stoplight, driving on a red light.

Miles thwiped out another web farther away from the truck hoping it would catch the crazy people behind this. Slender arms suddenly wrapped around his neck, red hair scattering everywhere in the star-filled night. Katie placed her head against his collarbone, hiding away from the world.

Her world and his too.

He dropped quietly on an old building two streets away, safely dropping her to the ground as well. The sudden rush of nausea and some other feeling dissolved quickly out of his system once Katie's feet were on the ground. She raised her head, taking in her surroundings.

Finally, when she looked at him with her vibrant green orbs, her eyes dazed with fear. She parted her lips, letting out small puffs of air into the dark night, cheeks red from the cold that kissed her face.

Miles clears his throat, his hand gripping her waist.

"Are you okay K-ma'am?"

Close one.

Katie blinked, her messy bun dead by the wind blowing away her scrunchie. She went for her ears, touching and feeling before she yelled at the young hero, her voice cracked as she said;

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