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"Regis, what happend? I heard you two arguing about Corvo Bianco" I asked. Regis was red with anger I felt it.
"Oh it was nothing Love." Regis said hugging me. He was. Hurt? Sad?
"I have to go see ya later Regis and (Y/N)."
"Bye Dettlaff." I said, Regis didn't said word.

"What did you heard?" Regis said.
"Everything." I held tears. He held me tight. "Don't worry. Anna know that we are dating?"
"Oh God.." He said giving me the tighest hug he could. I could not held my tears anymore I started cry. "It's fine love, it will be fine. I won't let you get hurt."

Few days passed and it was massacre.. Geralt was about to find Annas sister.
But as we learned Syanna was the one who blackmail Dettlaff. He wanted revenge he gave Anna 3days to bring him Syanna or he will destroy Beauclair. Syanna was locked by Anna somewhere noone know where Regis and Geralt was trying to find her or Dettlaff they failed. The three days passed and Dettlaff did as he said he attacked Beauclair. We was in middle of the city. Fighting for our lives.
"(Y/N)! Behind you!" It was too late Bruxa scratched my back in tree deep scratches, Regis took her down. We saw Geralt running to visit Orianna. Regis didn't want that so we split I wanted to go with Geralt but didn't want to leave Regis. "(Y/N) Go with Geralt then send your crown to tell me that you have found the elder one I will try find Syanna." Regis said and gave me kiss on forhead.
I went to Orianna residence she was talking with Geralt. "Come we will go to the orphanage then I will tell you where is elder." I nodded call my horse it wasn't that far away we was there in 10minutes. It was big mansion.

We went in, we found dead body of kid dead his skull was crashed instant death. "Poor kid." I said finishing examinating the body. Orianna found living kid he was hurt and scared. Geralt calm him with Axii. He told us about the monster and about caretaker that should keep them safe. We followed the trail. It lead us to some monster we killed it. When we went back we heard notices from room where Orianna and the kid was. Geralt kicked the door open. We saw Orianna sucking blood from the kid.
"You monster!" I said.
"I though that it will take longer."
"Why?" I simply said holding Geralt so he won't attack her. "You thought that I will help them for free. I keep them alive they only give me their blood. "
"You deserve to die." Geralt said and went for her but the kid step by. "No no don't kill her she is so kind.. He saved us and she is feeding us please please."
"Geralt. You can came for her later now we need to save Beauclair."
"Fine where is the elder?!"
She told us location and we went out.

"So let Regis know we are ready and that we will meet him in the docks." Geralt said.
"As you wish." I did as I was told and we went there. By the time we was talking. When we arrived Regis wasn't there so we waited. After about minute he was there.
"So Geralt are you sure you want to find Elder one and not go after Syanna?" Regis asked he had pain in his voice.
"Geralt no please let us help get Syanna. Let's do this withno fight." I said almost begging him.
"Hmm fine let's go find Damien."
Regis gave me smile.
"Thank you my friend." Regis said to Geralt. We went to find Damien to the bank. There was Bruxa we killed her. Geralt faced me silver sword so I could fight not hide before people. Damien was hurt me and Regis helped him in meantime Geralt got location of Syanna. We went in the way
It was small house.
"is this it??" I asked Geralt
"Yes they grow up here with Anna." We tried the doors.
They were locked. Regis turned into dust and opened them from inside. First floor nothing. Second floor was some sort of kid room.
"This is the room where Anna and Syanna grow up. She will be near by
" Geralt said looking for clues. Regis found mirrors. "I hate these things." He said with deep voice. "Well you are not alone." We as Vampires couldn't see ourselves in there.
"Dont worry you look gorgeous all the time love." He gave me deep kiss. He started to be more rough.
"Oh common guys. You can do that all the time." Geralt said pissed.
We got ourselves together Geralt found book. He started reading but Regis always interrupted him. "If you won't be quiet you will go to the corner." I giggled. After while Regis interrupted Geralt again he was sent to corner I started laughing so I sat on near table. Geralt read some sentences and the book started shine. Geralt was dragged into the book.
"What the?!"I said.
" She is in the book. So she won't get hurt, that's genius! " Regis was exited.
" Well shame I didn't had same book. "
I said Regis turned to me." What would be in that book? " He asked getting closer. He stood between my legs hugging me. " Well some really good looking guy. " He stop hugging me, was jealous I saw it in his face." Big bed. Really big bed. And about the guy he should be nak-. " I was cut by his lips kissing me deeply.
" You tease me and I don't like it (Y/N)~." He said between kisses. "oh and? The guy would be-." Now he was more rough than ever. "Hey we should read where they should end." I said nervous what should happend because he was different than ever he was passionate. His hand found way under my shirt. "Regis no." I said trying to push him away but he didn't move. His kisses moved to my neck. I couldn't hold moan. He just smiled and continued making bruises. "Stop Geralt will notice." I said he didn't cared. "You smell so nice." He said. "Well i-." He used this opportunity to kiss me with tongue but that wasn't enough. He put his hand on my butt. He really want it. "Regis stop we need to learn where they will be, we don't know how long the trip will take or-."
"It won't take long." He said cutting me off. "We can do this tomorrow now it's not the time love." I said he let me go. "You're right I'm sorry. But if we die I want to tell you that I love you. " he said getting the book. " I love you too and No need to apologise." I said hugging him from behind. "Here they will be near this fountain." He said. We went to the way there it took some time to fight all the monsters.

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