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It was twelve days of travelling but we was there.
"Wow, Regis this is amazing."
"Yes it is (Y/N)."
When we arrived in the castle Vesemir was first one to greet us.
"I never thought that Vampires would help us. But thank you for arriving."
"No problem, we are glad to help. But where is Geralt?" Regis asked.
"Yes we are preparing for him when he will came he will have Ciri so the Wild Hunt will follow them so if you be so kind and help us with repairs on the walls and making traps."
"Sure me and (Y/N) will gladly help."
Regis said and went to make preparations. I helped Zoltan with some bombs then Vernon Roche and Ves with sharpening swords, axes.
"So you are vampire?" Vernon asked.
"Yes, like Regis. Are you afraid that we would eat you?"
"No." He said.
I wasn't careful enough so I cut myself with the sword.
"Oh shit." Ves said. I held my hand and in seconds it healed back.
"Holy shit how?!" Ves asked with excitement.
"Well as Higher vampire I have this ability nobody can kill me, only higher vampires can. But we made promise that we won't kill each other. If we do they will hunt us down."
"Wow that's crazy." Ves said.
"So even with silver sword?" Vernon asked.
"No that will only hurt more but won't kill us."
Regis helped vesemir with wall fixing. It was beautiful scenery from Kaer Morhen walls.

When Triss and Yen came they where almost fighting.
I guess that Geralt made his choice. I understand that they was pissed but this wasn't about them but about Ciri, Regis told me about her she seemed nice, I hope he didn't lied.

Other Gerant's friends joined and me and Regis was about to collect some herbs if someone got injured. I was quiet I know what we are against.
"Is something wrong?" Regis asked I nodded.
"Don't worry it will be fine belive me love." I trusted Regis.

When we got back I went inside to read some books about Wild Hunt. I got my glasses and started reading when Regis was making medkits for everyone he didn't needed my help. We was here week and we fixed walls a bit and Regis and Vesemir and Vernon was planing the defence. I was with Yennefer. She wasn't mad she was fine so I guess that Geralt choose her. We heard portal but it was Keira Metz.

The preparation took week and then it happened. Geralt teleported with Ciri in Kaer Morhen. Everyone run to them.
Ciri was greeting everyone Yen, Triss, Vesemir and Regis but not me and I'm not surprised because she didn't know me.
"Hello we ho are you?" She asked me.
"I'm (Y/N), I'm.." Regis interrupted. "She in my love." He said kissing my forehead.
"Oh that's sweet and you are vampire too?"
"Yes I am."
Me and Ciri was talking. She was nice, like Regis said.
After hour of discussion we decided that Ciri will stay inside. She didn't wanted to. I knew it so before we went out I spoke to her alone.
"Hey Ciri, I know that you don't want to be here alone. And I do understand. But look at all those people they are fighting for you. So. If you will go out remember to be careful."
"Thanks I will remember it." Whith that I got up and went out.

Every one was preparing to die,except me and Regis, because there is small chance that they would kill us. I was on walls when I noticed that the temperature went down,snow started falling.
"They are coming!" I screamed.
They came per portals that was behind Barrier that Yen made then when they came closer Triss made them fire hell. Yen was doing her best to hold the barrier but she failed. They came inside the walls then me and Regis came to play.
We killed lot of them and their dogs. But they was still coming and coming.
"Love we have to kill their navigator he's giving them information about our location go kill him." I nodded. I went to walls and I spotted him. I was not sure if I should trust myself I wasn't trained for this,but I was about to find out.
"Hey! I'm here! Come and fight girl!" I shouted at him. He turned his attention to me.
"Bats can't hurt me I hope that you know it."
I ran towards him closing my eyes not looking back that was my mistake, I didn't know that he can teleport he grabbed my coat and slammed me on the wall, I groaned. He grabbed me by the collar when I was laying on the ground. He started to choke me.
" Let.. Me...Go!!" I said, he didn't cared I was prepared to die, at leas the way others can kill us. My vision started faidin
"Hey let her go you are here for me."
I heard her, it was Ciri but then my vision faded.

I woke up at ship I didn't know where I am or how did I got here but I knew that I was cold really cold. I got up to look around.
"Oh no..." I said under my breath.
I was on board of Wild Hunt ship. I was shocked. Next to my cell was dead body, frozen. I went to check it.
"Hmm the body is frozen, fingers fell off same as nose. Nothing in pockets nor boots." I said to myself and went to check windows,but they were scratches all over them so I couldn't see anything. Somebody was trying to escape using the windows. I wanted to change into dust but it didn't work. Then I noticed. The cell was made for monsters so they could not use their power. "Shit." That was the only thing I had in mind. I felt like an animal. I was cold I did had my coat but I didn't had coat from fur.

After while two guards came to me.
"How many would they give for pathetic vampire like you?" One of them. "Who knows maybe Cirila."
"I doubt that." They left I found skeleton in my cell it had some coin and spoon.
"Maybe I could break the lock." I was really lucky I did broke the lock but soon as I stepped out of the cell the ship crashed I heard soldiers running out of the ship. I didn't know what was happening until cold water got into my boots,i quickly realised that I need to get out of this ship.  I ran to the trapdoor but I couldn't open them I started to panic the water raised fast. I heard people fighting the Wild Hunt. I screamed but nobody answered now the water was hight to my waist I didn't stopped screaming trying to open the trapdoor. The water was to my shoulders. After while when the water was to my cheeks I heard voices but it was too late..
To be continued....

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